Leftist, and Alternative
organizations links
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Grassroots Leadership
"At Grassroots Leadership we believe that no one should profit from the incarceration of human beings. We work with communities across this nation, to abolish for-profit prisons, jails, and detention centers."
Grassroots Policy Project (GPP)
"...working with a broad cross-section of organizations, networks, coalitions, advocacy groups, policy shops and think tanks that are part of the progressive social movement landscape in the United States."
Grassroots Radio Coalition (GRC) (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
"...a loose group of many stations and people that has no bylaws, no dues, no staff, and no standing structure except a listserv. But what the coalition does have is a history and a set of ideas...."
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Grassroots Roundtable
"...participants to interact with their peers and exchange innovative ideas and information in the area of grassroots. Through this exchange, the Grassroots Roundtable strives to advance the 'science' and professionalism of grassroots advocacy."
"We are passionate about our mission of creating visionary films and dynamic educational campaigns that move individuals and communities to take action for a more just world. Working closely with educators, activists, national and local organizations, we ensure that our films are used to inspire meaningful social change...."
Grupo Saravá (Portugal)
"Estudamos as implicações políticas da técnica, desenvolvemos sistemas e instrumentos a partir de outros valores políticos, além de dialogarmos politicamente dentro da lógica cíclica da teoria/prática...."
Habitat for Humanity
"We are a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live."
"Hackerspaces are community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects. This website is for 'Anyone and Everyone' who wants to share their hackerspace with international hacker's'paces...."
HackUPY: HackerSpaces for Occupy
"Hackupy are hack session or group collaboration days/nights operated by local hacker spaces with a focus on building infrastructure, technology, and general discussion regarding the Occupy Movement happening in the same or near by city. Think of BarCamp but with Occupy in mind...."
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Haringey Independent Cinema (HIC)
"...screening monthly films and documentaries that are sometimes challenging, always thought-provoking and usually rarely shown."
Hartford Web Publishing
"... provides pro bono web publishing services that in general aim to promote social progress."
Health Care for All (Washington State, USA)
"...advocates for secure, affordable, and comprehensive health care coverage for all Washington residents implemented through a unified financing system."
Highlander Research and Education Center (HREC)
"...serves as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the South. We work with people fighting for justice, equality and sustainability, supporting their efforts to take collective action to shape their own destiny."
Hispanic Institute of Social Issues, The (HISI)
"...promotes the flow of information to empower individuals to take action and make informed decisions. Our framework is educational and informative; our motto is to serve and educate."
Hopelink: Helping People, Changing Lives
"Since 1971, Hopelink has served homeless and low income families, children, seniors and people with disabilities. Hopelink's mission is to promote self-sufficiency for all members of our community; we help people make lasting change."
" address the needs of low-wealth households and has provided emergency and sustained support to thousands of families..."
Horizons of Friendship
"...committed to eliminating the root causes of poverty and injustice in Central America and Southern Mexico (Mesoamerica) through the cooperation of people from the South and North."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.