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"...a dynamic, independent media company based in New York City."

Dissent Magazine
"...a quarterly magazine of politics and culture..."

Dissident Voice (DV)
"...an internet newsletter dedicated to challenging the distortions and lies of the corporate press and the privileged classes it serves."

"... written from a left/progressive/liberal/Democratic point of view while also attempting to fairly acknowledge the other side's take."

DMI Blog
"Politics, Policy, and the American Dream..."

Dollars And Sense
"The Magazine of Economic Justice..."

Dominion, The - News from the Grassroots
"The consolidation of corporate control and ownership in Canada has resulted in a decrease in investigative journalism, an increase in the number of stories journalists are expected to produce and a narrowing in the range of debate on key issues of importance...."

Don't Do That: Just...Stop
"An academic-in-training in the midwest. Progressive Christian. Anti-oppression agenda. And some other stuff."

Doorbraak (Dutch)
"...een linkse basisorganisatie die strijdt voor een ecologisch duurzame wereld zonder uitbuiting, onderdrukking en uitsluiting. Daarom vechten we van onderop tegen kapitalisme, patriarchaat, racisme, nationalisme, religieus fundamentalisme en militarisme."

Dubya Report, The
"...casts a critical eye over George W. Bush's record, statements and actions..."

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)
"Research For Broadly Shared Prosperity..."
http://www.epi.org/ ~ http://www.epinet.org/

Editing The Herald
"This blog is dedicated to getting angry at things printed in each day's New Zealand Herald...."

Elephant Journal: Yoga, Sustainability, Politics, Spirituality
"...dedicated to bringing together those working (and playing) to create enlightened society."

Empowerment Books
"Books for Personal Growth, Social Change, & Ecology..."

Empowerment Resources
"Tools For Personal Growth, Social Change, and Ecology..."

Encyclopedia of Revolutions of 1848
"Absolutism; Affre, Denis-Auguste; d'Agoult, Marie; Albert (Alexandre Martin); Alecsandri, Vasile; Almanacs..."

"...provides free online public petition hosting service, register now for free and create a petition in minutes..."

Erinc Yeldan's Page
"...'the end of the ideologies' has been declared in the 1990s..."

Essential Information
"Founded in 1982 by Ralph Nader..."

Esta voz (Spanish)
"Por un Mundo más Justo y Solidario..."

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