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BlueOregon: Progressive Politics, News and Commentary for Oregon
"...the water cooler around which Oregon progressives will gather. A place for news and original commentary. (And sometimes gossip.)"

"...a radical bookstore, fair trade cafe, and activist center in the Lower East Side of Manhattan."

Boing Boing
"...a trademark of Happy Mutants LLC in the United States and other countries."

Boston Review
"...a magazine of ideas, independent and nonprofit. We cover lots of ground-politics, poetry, film, fiction, book reviews, and criticism. But a few premises tie it all together: that democracy depends on public discussion; that sometimes understanding means going deep..."

Boxcar Books
"...a volunteer run, non-profit organization that exists to provide new and used books, zines, magazines, and comics on topics of social justice..."

Boycott Diamonds
"Many diamonds are mined in war-torn countries by the desperately poor, by children, or by slaves. Easily smuggled, they can become the currency of criminals and terrorists. They later easily enter the market with 'conflict free' credentials."

Brendan Calling
"...living in an alternative universe of permanent outrage and relentless negativity fostered and fueled by the blogosphere."

Briarpatch Magazine
"...provides a thoughtful, principled, and irreverent alternative to the false consensus of the corporate media."

Brighton Activist
"...a bunch of people living in and around Brighton involved in campaigning for peace, social justice and a sustainable planet."

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
"Our website is updated hourly with news and reports about companies' human rights impacts worldwide - positive and negative."

"...politically-savvy, pro-democracy, anti-hypocrisy web community..."

Cafe Progressive
"...some of the best social justice and environmental activism sites, blogs, organizations, visionaries, movements and sources for alternative news and information."

Cafe Progressive
"Social Justice Media, Politics, Education, Activism & Community..."

Cahokian, The
"This blog is about politics. I am very left of center, but I am also realistic and ultimately optimistic. The fight for a world of peace and justice is a spiritual pursuit. I am a unaffiliated socialist."

"...your definitive source of daily news aimed at the nonprofit sector. This project is managed exclusevely through voluntary work and it's been running in similar formats since 2003."

California Progress Report
"As Spike Jones used to sing about that Strauss waltz - the Danube ain't blue, it's green - California ain't nearly as blue as the political maps have it. It's purple...."
http://www.californiaprogressreport.com/ ~ http://www.californiaprogressreport.com/site/

Campaign for America's Future
"After three decades of conservative dominance in American politics, we Americans are threatened with economic disintegration, environmental devastation and international isolation...."

Campaign for Labour Party Democracy
"...formed in 1973 by a group of rank-and-file activists..."

Campus Activism
"This interactive website has tools for progressive activists. It is part of a network of websites that share information called the Activism Network...."

Capitalism Bad; Tree Pretty
"Like many people on the left I cut my eye teeth on student politics...."

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