Leftist, and Alternative
information links
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Red Pepper
" provide a bold and attractive voice for the independent-minded left..."
Redress Information & Analysis
"...aspires to redress the balance of world news and information by being a voice for the voiceless, by focusing on injustice and by providing an alternative interpretation of international and domestic issues."
Reflections on a Revolution (ROAR)
" online magazine that seeks to amplify the voice of our generation amidst the clamorous cacophony of a rapidly changing world."
Republic of T., The
"...Black, Gay, Father, Vegetarian, Buddhist, Liberal..."
Rescue Truth
"Animal Rights, Civil Rights, Crime, Economics, Election, Energy, Environment, Health Care, Immigration, Just Playin!, Law, Media, Politics..."
Responsible Shopper
"...provides you with the real story about abuses by well-known companies, gives you actions to promote corporate responsibility, and helps you green your life and world."
RESULTS: The Power to End Poverty
"We create long-term solutions to poverty by supporting programs that address its root causes - lack of access to medical care, education, or opportunity to move up the economic ladder."
Right Wing Watch (RWW)
"...a joint project of People For the American Way that monitors dozens of broadcasts, emails, websites, and the activities of Religious and Radical Right political organization. RWW analyzes and distills information that would otherwise circulate only within the Right..."
"...Feminist, Pro-Queer, Anti-Racist Gaming..."
RNC '08 Report, The
"...a citizen's archive of media reports, government documents, and other resources relating to the 2008 Republican National Convention, held in St. Paul, MN. The source material posted on this website will ultimately be used to compile a truly independent, publicly available, citizen's report on what happened during the 2008 RNC."
Robert Lindsay
"Independent Left journalist in California. Trustafarian in a shackteau, slumming it up in the barrio. Revolutionary, patriotic Leftist, Christian, liberation theology, replacement theology."
"Hello, I'm Are you a member of an activist group in Rochester? If so, please use me! is operated by Rochester Indymedia in order to help local activist groups and other grassroots organizations take better advantage of the internet..."
Rusty Idols
"My Political Compass reads -7.00 / -5.74 which means essentially a lefty libertarian. I've been a union activist and delegate, worked as a lobbyist in Ottawa and ran for office provincially in Alberta for the NDP...."
Sacred Social Justice
"Thoughts and musings from an activist writer, editor, photographer, and musician in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I believe that faith and social action are intertwined in efforts to positively motivate change in the society around us."
Samidoun Network - Beirut, Lebanon
"Updates on the situation in Lebanon and solidarity efforts around the world from the Samidoun grassroots network in central Beirut..."
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San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory (BAPD)
"An index to about 1200 organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area that are related to progressive activism and/or helping out disadvantaged people, plus links to related web sites elsewhere...."
Savanne (Deutsch / English)
"Das Recht, den Mund aufzumachen, besteht auch dort, wo einige schreien...denen wird den Mund zugemacht.../ A voice for the voiceless! Unite against all forms of oppression!"
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.