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"Progressive Politics from an 'Urban Liberal' in Westminster, Maryland...."

LA Activist (California, USA)
"...a news media outlet dedicated to covering and informing on the various campaigns for social and political change in Los Angeles."

"A view of the top, from a perspective at the bottom..."

Lake County Government Watch
"This is a citizens group that will observe and work towards positive change in our County and in its officials."

Lambeth Band of Solidarity
"...Body solidarity, Island solidarity, Roaming solidarity, Sista Solidarity, SLACkers: Solidarity in Song, Solidarity in Lambeth, the Band's bedroom..."

Language & Capitalism
"...the language and meaning of contemporary capitalism..."

LA Progressive, The
"...an electronic magazine for progressives living in and around Los Angeles. It quickly gained attention well beyond Los Angeles."

Last Word Books
"If books are your drug of choice, Last Word has your fix!"

"...a forum for the discussion of economics, politics, and culture from a broad left perspective, sponsored by Left Business Observer."

Left Business Observer
"...accumulation & its discontents..."
http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/ ~ http://www.panix.com/~dhenwood/LBO_home.html

Left Foot Forward
"...a political blog for progressives. We provide evidence-based analysis on British politics, news and policy developments."

Left Futures: Forward Thinking For The Democratic Left
"...an independent on-line network which seeks to bring to the web the best writing and the sharpest criticism on the Left, and open debate about shaping the future. It is committed to socialism, sustainability, internationalism and democracy."

Left Hand Books
"All volunteer, not-for-profit, progressive bookstore providing access to alternative viewpoints..."

Left In Alabama: Informed, Involved, Progressive
"A community blog for progressive politics, ideas and current events in Alabama."

LeftWord: Early Morning Swim
"...the best liberal blog posts..."

Lefty Directory, The (LD)
"The Lefty blogosphere is, of course, far more extensive than our humble list here. It is just impossible for one lonely blogger to keep up with all the new kids...."

Le Journal des alternatives (French) (The Journal of Alternatives)
"...est produit de façon indépendante par Alternatives et la fédération Alternatives International. Tirage papier trimestriel inséré dans l'hebdomadaire VOIR à 235 000 exemplaires aux mois de septembre, décembre, mars et juin."

Leta Siasa
"This blog has been up and running since 2004. The principal contributor is Onyango Oloo, a Kenyan social justice activist, writer and former political prisoner and exile."

Let Them Talk
"Keeping an on the New World Order in New York City..."

Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, The
"The ultimate purpose of all of the Levy Institute's research and activities is to serve the wider policymaking community in the United States and the rest of the world by enabling scholars and leaders in business, labor, and government to work together on problems of common interest...."
http://www.levyinstitute.org/ ~ http://www.levy.org/

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