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iWatch News, by Center for Public Integrity, The
"Investigative Journalism in the Public Interest..."
http://www.iwatchnews.org/ ~ http://www.publicintegrity.org/

Jalan Journal of Asian Liberation
"We must defeat the forces of racism, empire, and neo-colonialism if we are to be free once again...."

Jamblichus's Weblog
"Just another quizzical eye..."

Jay's Leftist and 'Progressive' Internet Resources Directory
"...a renewed militant, class-struggle labor movement..."
http://www.jaysleftist.info/ ~ http://www.neravt.com/left/

Jews sans frontieres (Jews Without Frontiers)
"An Anti-Zionist blog - browsing the media..."

Joe Hendren
"...kaos, karl marx, karl popper, led zeppelin, left-wing..."

Joseph Rowntree Foundation, The
"...social policy research and development charity..."

Journalism for Equality Peace Justice and Democracy
"...a Web News portal on human rights. We promote press freedom, minority rights, peace, justice, freedom of speech and democracy. We always for the people's those who have no voice and against all kind of discrimination."

Journal of Poverty, The
"Most social welfare discussions of poverty reflect this perception. Typically, the use of the term poverty references directly or indirectly the official federal policy notion of the poverty threshold or guidelines..."
http://www.journalofpoverty.org/ ~ http://www.units.muohio.edu/journalofpoverty/

Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media
"Pioneers since 1974, analyzing media in relation to class, race, and gender..."

Just Cause Law Collective
"In the United States, far too many people are imprisoned, and far too many of the prisoners are low-income people of color.The purpose of this website is to even the playing field, by providing extra legal information to people who can't afford private criminal defense lawyers."

Just Left
"Equality, fairness and freedom - Labour views on New Zealand politics..."

Kabissa - Space for Change in Africa
"... a network of people who are working online and on the ground for positive change in Africa. Since 1999, thousands of us have used this site to take action and follow the results of our efforts."

Kafila: Run From Big Media
"...a team effort of concerned individuals - scholars, activists, writers, journalists - to create a space for critical engagement on a wide range of issues of the contemporary world."

KBOO Community Radio
"We are Volunteer-Powered, Non-Commercial, Listener-Sponsored, Full-Strength Community Radio for Portland, Oregon, Cascadia & the World!"

Keep It Trill (KIT)
"A Black Mental Health Therapist & Social Worker Dissects The Times We Live In..."

Kenny's Sideshow
"The neighborhood crowd that shouts for something better..."

Know More
"Question Your Goods. Vote With Your Wallet."

"...Articles, Music, Other Media, Photography, Weekly Sedition..."

KPFK: Pacifica Radio (Los Angeles, California, USA)
"Many people doubted the viability of a broadcast model which didn't rely on some kind of corporate or government funding. But the idea was too compelling..."

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