Free Love, and Sexual Liberation
information links
Some websites have multiple URLs that are the same exact information as the main website, called "mirrors." If you have found any for a website in the link directory that we don't know about, let us know by clicking the "submit an idea" link.
Polyamory Australia
"An informative guide to polyamory resources in Australia, including an introduction to polyamory, contact information for poly-friendly health professionals, annotated guides to websites and email lists, a calendar of local and national events, and more...."
Polyamory Blog
"Pondering Polyamorous Relationships..."
Polyamory Chat
"Our chat room has resizable windows, sound volume, clickable profiles with images, private rooms, file sharing, moods / status, emoticons, password protected usernames, some IRC-style commands, themes/backgrounds, and more."
Polyamory City
"...to create a valuable dating site for the true polyamorist."
Polyamory FAQ
"Poly Non-fiction, Poly Fiction, Poly Movies, Poly Songs, Poly Comic Books/Graphic Novels..."
Polyamory ICQ List, The (PICQL)
"Poly, is Greek, meaning many parts, and Amory is derived from French Amour, meaning love. So basically - Many Loves, or perhaps in some cases Many Lovers...."
Polyamory Index, The
"Organizations, Books, Magazine articles, Newspaper articles, Songs, Movies, Religion and Law, Sociology and Psychology, Biology, Other web sites with poly content..."
http://www.polyamory.org/~howard/Poly/ ~ http://www.polyamory.org/Howard/
Polyamory in the News
"The word means 'many loves' - having more than one loving person in your life at the same time. It has also been called responsible non-monogamy...."
Polyamory Israel
"...dedicated to the exploration of how polyamory can be integrated into Jewish culture. The hope of the creator of this blog is to form a polyamorous community in Israel."
Polyamory Network, The
"PolyamoryNetwork.com is a place where you can share thoughts, opinions and experiences related to everything polyamory. Membership is completely free."
Polyamory Paradigm, The
"Discussion and writings on a variety of topics relating to polyamory, consensual non-monogamy, and other tidbits of interest with the goal of becoming an interactive Polyamory resource."
Polyamory Weekly Podcast
"Tales from the front of responsible non-monogamy from a pansexual, kink-friendly point of view...."
http://polyweekly.libsyn.com/ ~ http://polyweekly.libsyn.org/
Polyamory Weekly
"Responsible non-monogamy from a kink-friendly, pansexual point of view..."
http://polyweekly.com/ ~ http://polyamoryweekly.com/
Poly and Kinky
"Reflections and Sharings from a Poly and Kinky Couple..."
Poly and Proud
"Polyandproud.com is closed. Would you like to be notified when we reopen?"
"A polyamorous couple's journey through life...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.