Featured Links
of Revolution and Social Justice
(previously featured links)
Featured Links of Sun, 01 Jul, 2012.
Featured Link: Revolution and Social Justice
Holt Labor Library: Labor Studies and Radical History
"...was established in 1992 to provide a working library for labor and progressive studies accessible to the general public. Our collections and services are geared to labor and community activists as well as to students, researchers and anyone else interested in our materials."
Unionism, Strike, and Labor Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
Featured Link: Information
Starry Dynamo Of Night, The
"NPR will give wall-to-wall coverage of nearly every single Koch-funded teabagger rally, from a bunch of racist old coots in the middle of nowhere to multi-million dollar spectacles on the National Mall, but they not only specifically *ignore* a legitimately grass-roots protest put on by angry, politically motivated youth..."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
Featured Link: Organizations
Grassroots Activist Guild , The (GAG)
"...promotes the idea of mutual aid and the creation of dual power systems that both challenge mainstream institutions and offer working alternatives, in the form of more equitable and grassroots-based education, health, work, food and governing practices."
Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
Featured Link: Inactive Information
Wasteland of Wonders: Atheist, Agnostic & Humanist
"...it is intended to help open the minds of people who have been brought up to believe in some form of religious dogma. If your beliefs cannot stand up to reasonable questioning, why should you hang onto them?"
Atheism, Rationalism, and Freethought Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
Featured Link: Inactive Organizations
Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women, The
"...initiated by a group of lawyers, activists, journalists and academics in order to address the intensifying trend of cultural/religious legitimization of lethal violence against women."
Feminism, and Women's Rights Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
Featured Link: Surviving Oppression
Women's Coordinating Committee For a Free Wallmapu (Canada)
"...an indigenous Mapuche grassroots organization based in Toronto, Turtle Island. Our goal is to link the struggles of indigenous sovereignty (specifically the Mapuche Peoples of so-called southern $hile) with that of other indigenous, anti-capitalist/anti-colonial, community based struggles across Turtle Island..."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
Featured Link: Making Change
Equal Justice USA (EJUSA)
"...a national, grassroots organization working to build a criminal justice system that is fair, effective, and humane, starting with repealing the death penalty and increasing services for families of homicide victims."
Death Penalty, and Capital Punishment Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
Featured Link: Creative Problem-Solving
Tactical Technology Collective
"...to advance the skills, tools and techniques of rights advocates, empowering them to utilise information and communications as a critical asset in helping marginalised communities understand and effect progressive social, environmental and political change."
Progressive, Leftist, and Alternative Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
Featured Link: Spreading the Truth
Legalize Heroin: Not If. When.
"Even within the framework of capitalism, legalization is the only acceptable option...."
Psychedelic, Drug, and Substance Use Directory
Featured Link from Sun, 01 Jul, 2012 to Wed, 01 Aug, 2012. (30 Days, 22 Hours, 56 Minutes, 19 Seconds)
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory: