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Gay Rights,
and Gay Equality

organizations links

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By Vade Parvis
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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Gay Rights Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 29

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2010 LGBT Jewish Movement-Building Convening, The
"Organizations serving the LGBT Jewish community and advocating for diversity and inclusion in the Jewish world are diverse and growing in numbers. After nearly forty years of activism, we are pleased to be convening the first-ever LGBT Jewish Movement Building conference..."

"...Iowa's newspaper for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and HIV+ community. ACCESSline is a monthly publication by Breur Media Corporation. The paper was founded in 1986 by the non-profit organization ACCESS (A Concerned Community for Education, Safer-sex and Support) in Northeast Iowa."

Affirmation (United Methodist)
"As an independent voice of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people, Affirmation radically reclaims the compassionate and transforming gospel of Jesus Christ by relentlessly pursuing full inclusion in the Church..."

Alice B. Toklas Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Democratic Club, The
"Forming only two years after the Stonewall riots in the infancy of the LGBT civil rights movement, Alice grew to become a vibrant organization that has made a profound impact on San Francisco, California and American politics..."

Ali Forney Center, The (AFC)
"As the visibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people grows in our society, more and more LGBT teens are finding the courage to come out of the closet...."

Allgo: A Texas Statewide Organization For Queer People Of Color
"...envisions a just and equitable society that celebrates and nurtures vibrant people of color queer cultures."

American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER)
"...a non-profit, chapter-based association of active, reserve and veteran service members dedicated to full and equal rights and equitable treatment for all present and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces."

Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush Gay-Straight Alliance (AABR-GSA)
"...News, About Us, Calendar, Photo Gallery, Members..."

ASIJ Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)
"The Club was definitely not formed to be a club that talks about sexual actions. It is to talk about love and caring for all people. Sexual orientation for gay people is not a choice, as is the case with heterosexuals. If you are straight, have you ever asked yourself why you are straight?"
http://gsa99.tripod.com/indexa.html ~ http://gsa99.tripod.com/

Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists, The (AWAB)
"Gay-affirming Baptists? No, this is not an oxymoron!"

Atlanta Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, The (AGLCC) (Georgia, USA)

Australian Marriage Equality (AME)
"...a national, membership-based organisation working for equal marriage rights for all Australians regardless of their gender or sexuality. We have members and supporters from across Australia and overseas."

Autonomous Student's Network
"Our mission is to combat intolerance, homophobia, and hetero-normativity in the Grand Rapids area. We are a federation of students from the Aquinas College community and have created this group..."

Because Conference
"...an important weekend attracting bisexuals, queers, trans, questioning, and all others, regardless of identity."

Behind the Mask: The Voice of Africa's LGBTI Community
"...a Non Profit media organization that publishes a news website covering news about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in Africa."

Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center, The
"Our mission is to provide a broad array of opportunities and programs, a dedicated and caring staff, a corps of volunteers, and a spirit of community that celebrates the many facets of our broad-based Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender constituency...."

Blue Springs High School Gay-Straight Alliance
"Encounter someone or something that breaks through the denial system...."

Boston Latin Academy's Gay Straight Alliance (BLA-GSA)
"Growing each years and gathering more support, the GSA is one of the most active clubs and student organizations in the school. Currently, the GSA meets after school, plans events, advocates, bring awareness, and provides a safe ad fun environment for ALL students...."

Boston LGBT Film Festival, The
"...celebrates, displays and distributes work by and for LGBT media makers - work that entertains, enriches and enlightens all audiences in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied communities."

Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interests (BMCLGBT)
"...to cultivate an inclusive church and society and to care for the Mennonite and Brethren lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied community."

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