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Gay Rights,
and Gay Equality

information links

By Vade Parvis
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By Vade Parvis
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Viewing 41 - 60 of 268 Links for Gay Rights Information.
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Christian Voice For Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, And Transgender Rights, A
"I have been an LGBT activist for about twenty years and, as you might imagine, I have been verbally assaulted by assorted professing Christians accusing me of not being a Christian and not respecting 'the sanctity of marriage.'..."
http://www.christianlgbtrights.org/ ~ http://christianglbtrights.blogspot.com/

Citizen Crain
"I launched this blog in October 2006 after almost a decade editing gay and lesbian publications for five U.S. cities..."

clear vowels rise like balloons, the
"...derby girl, radical feminist, queer femme, knitter, reader."

Colin Kennedy Donovan: Radical Queer (Dis)ability Activist and Writer
"...an anti-racist Irish/English/German/Spanish 'white' physically (dis)abled genderqueer trans activist, performer, educator and writer. He has performed and facilitated workshops nationally..."

Consortium of Higher Education Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Professionals, The
"The combined vision and mission of the Consortium is to achieve higher education environments in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni have equity in every respect...."

cripchick's blog
"...a powerchair-roaring, poetry-stringing, people power-dreaming disabled queer woman of color."

Cynically Absurd
"I am a queer individual obsessed with many things. That said, my blogs will likely reflect those obsessions: dogs, Elton John, David Bowie, TLBPQAIIQG (or LGBTQ) related things, feminist rants and education, art, music, nature, and other pretty things..."

Dallas Voice
"The Premiere Media Source for LGBT Texas..."

Dented Blue Mercedes (DBM)
"...focused on trans, LGBT, sex and gender minorities and other disenfranchised communities in Alberta, Canada, by Mercedes Allen and guests..."

"...queer veggies, bike, hwafo, links, soapbox, recipes..."

Echelon Magazine
"...Gay Magazine For LGBT Business Professionals..."

EDGE Boston
"...the largest network of local Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) news and entertainment portals in the world, serving 500,000 dedicated readers from a variety of metropolitan areas around the United States and beyond."

Edge Providence (Rhode Island, USA)
"...the largest network of local Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) news and entertainment portals in the world, serving 500,000 dedicated readers from a variety of metropolitan areas around the United States and beyond."

"Yes, I'm Elaine Miller, the desktop publishing geek in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Oh, I mean Elaine Miller the writer. Er...the leatherdyke spokesqueer."

Empty Closets
"Empty Closets is a place where you can figure out who you are, surrounded by other people just like you. Whether you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, curious, unsure or a friend of someone who is..."

ENDAblog: A Great LGBT Community Deserves Full Inclusion
"The Employment Non-Discrimination Act is a landmark civil rights bill; GLBT groups have been waiting eagerly for and working diligently for its passage for years..."

End Bigotry in Venango County
"...to Promote the Historic Oil Region of Northwestern Pennsylvania as a Welcoming Place for All and to Challenge the Bigotry of Those Who Seek to Exclude Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender People from Open and Equal Participation in Community Life..."

Equality Forum
"Advancing LGBT Civil Rights..."

"...to grow and support an online community of donors by providing free services and strategic advice to achieve legal equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Americans."

"...a new media and communications initiative in support of gay equality. Through strategic communications, research, training and media monitoring we strengthen efforts for full LGBT rights and correct anti-gay misinformation."

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