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Gay Rights,
and Gay Equality

information links

By Vade Parvis
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By Vade Parvis
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The current Featured Link for Surviving Oppression is Support Vegans in the Prison System (Support VIPS) : "...a volunteer based group working to help vegan individuals live a healthy vegan lifestyle, which is an expression of their deeply held ethical values. We act as a crucial link between the incarcerated community and the Bureau of Prisons, provide information about veganism to the prison population..." -- Find similar and related links in the Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory.
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Viewing 241 - 260 of 268 Links for Gay Rights Information.
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Standing on the Side of Love
"In public debates over immigration, LGBT rights, and more, religious people stand on the side of love and call for respect, inclusion, and compassion."

Still Black: A Portrait of Black Transmen
"This film does not claim to embody what it means to be black, or transgender, or male. But what it does do is offer just a small piece of the larger experience of being a black transman."

Story Digest: Gay Resources, Articles and Information
"As a gay man, I think it is extremely important to do all we can to achieve equal rights in this country. Even if you're not an activist, everyone can do their part, whatever that might be...."

stuff bisexuals like
"...look both ways..."

Stuff Queer People Like
"A anthropological look into queer culture...."

Taking Up Too Much Space
"This is a blog by a Chicago transsexual queer/woman who's tired of making herself as small as possible to fit the demands of trans misogynistic feminism and trans activism."

ThatsSoGayLive (TSGL)
"We are a Gay Media Broadcasting company in the process of updating our website. Please watch shows, create shows, and share shows with your family and friends...."

Thoughts from a Lezzymom
"So here's what I am thinking. I remember taking one of the kids to the ER a few years ago and having to endure some odd looks when the docs and nurses were trying to understand if it was 'ok' for this child to have two moms...."

"...the creation of Marti Abernathey. Transadvocate.com exists to give a voice for transgender advocates in the ever growing blogosphere."

Transgender Warrior
"Putting 'Liberation' Back into 'Gay Liberation'..."

Transgender Workplace Diversity
"My research area is transgender and transsexual workplace law and policy. I have consulted with organizations to ensure successful workplace gender transitions, such as Harvard University, Boeing and New York City...."

Trans Talk
"Supporting Transgender, Gender Non Conforming, Gender Queer, Bisexual, Pansexual, Lesbian and Gay Folks of all colors, ethnicities and nationalities by addressing the issues forcing all of us into marginalized minorities."

Trevor Project, The
"...a non-time sensitive issue, Questions and Answer resource for young people with questions surrounding being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning."

"Please click on the name of the place in order to obtain useful information about gay or lesbian life of the major cites and towns of Turkey..."

"...bisexuality, polyamory, bdsm, feminism, etc.etc...."

Unicorn Booty
"...the most followed LGBT news site in the world! We are a gay blog that connects gays and their allies to the biggest and best treasures every day, covering gay news, world news, culture and gay-friendly businesses."

Unzipped: Gay Armenia
"...gay rights and equality, personal and not so, 'light' and 'heavy'..."

Uppsala Pride (Swedish)
"...vill krossa all diskriminering baserad på kön, könsidentitet, könsuttryck, klass, ras, etnisk tillhörighet, funktionshinder, ålder och sexualitet."

Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force
"...dedicated to preserving archival information: video, posts from the legislative session, lists of our business, clergy, and lawyer supporters, and lots of great stuff."

Washington Blade
"Readers locally and around the world have come to rely on the Blade's unmatched coverage of LGBT news, earning the paper the moniker 'the newspaper of record for the LGBT community.'..."

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