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Gay Rights,
and Gay Equality

information links

By Vade Parvis
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By Vade Parvis
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"Let's start a revolution...."

Queer By Choice
"Andrew Sullivan doesn't claim to be a radical-he'd be sickened at the thought!-and he refuses to believe that anyone can choose to be queer. Yet as you can see from the quote above, he clearly acknowledges that those of us who consider ourselves 'queer by choice' are true radicals...."

Queer Eugene (Oregon, USA)
"Business & organization listings for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community, in the Eugene and Springfield area...."

Queer Fresno
"...dedicated to the education, awareness, and visibility of the gay and lesbian community. We value equality, pride, and leadership..."

Queer Me Up
"...to present, comment and generate opinion about a wide range of topics concerning gay culture; from relationships and civil rights to gay pride and entertainment."

Queer Music Heritage (QMH)
"...both a radio show and a website, and the goal of both is to preserve and share the music of our culture, because I just don't think gay & lesbian music of the past should be forgotten."

Queer Radical
"...observations from the frontlines of the sexual revolution..."

Queer Resources Directory (QRD)
"...contains 25488 files about everything queer; the QRD is at http://www.qrd.org/, with mirrors all over the world."

Queers United (QU)
"The activist blog uniting the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual community & Allies in the fight for equality...."

Queer Theory
"...provides you with the best online resources integrated with the best visual and textual resources in Queer Culture, Queer Theory, Queer Studies, Gender Studies and related fields."

"Free of an agenda. Except that gay one."

"...an internationally relevant Website where alternative/radical/disenfranchised queers can exchange information, network, organise, inspire and be inspired, self represent, challenge ourselves and each other, and learn about DIY ideas and ethics."

Queer Zine Archive Project, The (QZAP)
"One of the things we love about queer zines is that the content doesn't have to specifically address LGBTQ issues to be amazing...."

Questioning Transphobia (QT)
"The core of trans politics is for transgender and transsexual people to have opportunities equal to cisgender and cissexual people, and to be acknowledged as who we are - human beings...."

Radical Possibilities, Babe
"...i'm into: activism, anti-oppression, community-building, revolution/reform, feminism/intersectionality, politics, queer lyfe, gender, fat acceptance, body positivity, sex positivity..."

Rainbow's End Portal
"You can use this page to navigate to any of the pages I have on my sites..."

Rainbow Post, The
"News and features relevant to the gay community, news and stories from around the world and around the corner...."

Rainbow Sauce
"...a website that has gathered various gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender media types and listed them all in one place. Instead of surfing the net for hours on end looking for the LGBT books, films or music you want..."

"...a forum to discuss topics related to fair and accurate coverage of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues."

Red Lavender Insurgent
"...beginning with the great civil rights movement of the sixties and continuing with the fight for equality for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people."

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