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Holla Back DC!
"...fighting street harassment in America's capital by empowering Washingtonians to speak out against gender based public sexual harassment."

Huddersfield Feminist Collective
"...a bunch of people who want to see feminist activism on the streets of Huddersfield, whether that's campaigning and awareness-raising, promoting women in unequal fields, supporting each other to challenge sexism head on, or just getting together to share information and issues."

INCITE!: Women of Color Against Violence
"...made up of grassroots chapters and affiliates across the U.S.; other collectives working on particular political projects such as police violence, reproductive justice, and media justice; a national collective that works to leverage this grassroots organizing on a national and transnational platform..."

Institute for Women's and Gender Studies (IWGS)
"IWGS practices and fosters participation in collaborative feminist work, research and activism within all of our communities. We are a working partner of the Department of Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Winnipeg...."

Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR)
"...conducts rigorous research and disseminates its findings to address the needs of women, promote public dialogue, and strengthen families, communities, and societies."

International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)
"...a non-profit organization that seeks to advance feminist inquiry of economic issues and to educate economists and others on feminist points of view on economic issues."

International Women's Alliance, The (IWA)
"...a global alliance of anti-imperialist grassroots-based women's organizations, institutions, alliances, networks and individuals committed to advancing national and social liberation."

International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW-AP)
"...an international women's human rights organisation. Since 1993, we have worked to contribute to the progressive interpretation and realisation of the human rights of women through the lens of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and other international human rights treaties."

Jewish Feminist Research Group (JFRG)
"...a project of the Women's Studies Department of The Jewish Theological Seminary. The JFRG offers affiliated and independent scholars and graduate students a forum in which to present papers, research or works-in-progress that link feminist scholarship with Jewish studies."

Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA)
"This year the program gives eight undergraduate Orthodox women across North America the opportunity to become leaders in their campus communities."

Just Associates (Jass)
"A global community of justice activists, scholars and popular educators in more than 30 countries worldwide, JASS works from a feminist perspective to transform norms, institutions, policies and decision-making processes in both public and private spaces of power...."

Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights
"...founded upon the ideal that education,dialogue,and action can counter the dangerous and destructive effects of ignorance, silence and prejudice."

Kayan Feminist Organization (Arabic)
"نحن مجموعة من النسويات نصبو الى الارتقاء بمكانة النساء في المجتمع الفلسطيني-إسرائيلي."

Kayan Feminist Organization
"The word Kayan comes from the Arabic word for being or existing. Our name reflects the guiding belief of Kayan that social change can be achieved when women are empowered to exert influence and make decisions about their own lives as well as society as a whole...."

League of Women Voters (LWV) (Washington State, USA)
"...encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy."

League of Women Voters, The (LWV)
"...a nonpartisan political organization, has fought since 1920 to improve our systems of government and impact public policies through citizen education and advocacy."

League of Women Voters of New Jersey, The (LWVNJ)
"...advocates for certain legislation after careful study and consensus of our members."

Legal Momentum
"...the nation's oldest legal defense and education fund dedicated to advancing the rights of all women and girls."

Legal Voice: Women's Rights, Nothing Less
"...envisions a world where every woman and girl enjoys economic, social and political equality."

Legal Voice
"...envisions a world where every woman and girl enjoys economic, social and political equality. We work toward that vision by pursuing justice for all women and girls in the Northwest through ground-breaking litigation, legislative and policy advocacy and educational tools to help people understand their rights and the legal system."

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