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Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF)
"Most polls since then reveal that this majority continues with over two-thirds of young women self-identifying as feminists."

Feminist Review Trust, The
"...exists to fund research and other scholarly activity on all aspects of gender."

Feminists For Choice
"...a collective of women's rights advocates that was founded in the Spring of 2009. The name is a very deliberate statement that feminism is inherently linked to the right a woman has to control her own body."

Feminist Women's Health Center (FWHC)
"We have a vision of a world where all women freely make their own decisions regarding their bodies, reproduction and sexuality -- a world where women can fulfill their own unique potential and live healthy whole lives...."

Feminist Women's Health Center, The (FWHC)
"...to empower women through service, education, and advocacy. As Atlanta's leading non-profit women's health resource, we have earned an outstanding reputation for providing quality care and community education, while working to improve women's health."

Fiesta Feminista (FF)
"...we focus on learning about and advocating for issues of feminism, human rights, and democracy in Malaysia. We hold regular Fiestas to enable people to collectively discover and share, engage and celebrate, as we work on building a more vibrant, diverse, and formidable movement for social change in Malaysia."

For the Birds Collective
"...a New York City-based feminist collective. We are interested in establishing alternative spaces that promote the creative interests of women-identified community members."

Forward - Feminists With Disabilities (FWD)
"...a group blog written by people with disabilities, some of whom are feminists and some of whom work in solidarity with feminists."

Free Pussy Riot!
"...an anonymous Russian feminist performance art group formed in October 2011. Through a series of peaceful performances in highly visible places, the group has given voice to basic rights under threat in Russia today, while expressing the values and principles of gender equality, democracy and freedom of expression..."

F Word, The: Feminist Media Collective
"We seek to facilitate feminist dialogue in the community and use media as a foundation for positive social change..."

Gender Balanced Commission
"We believe in gender balance. Neither men nor women should be under-represented in political bodies...."

"...to empower girls in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Founded in Austin, Texas, in 1997, Girlstart is one of the few community-based informal education programs in the nation specifically dedicated to empowering and equipping K-12 girls in STEM."

Global Feminisms Project (University of Michigan)
"...a collaborative international project that examines the history of feminist activism, women's movements and academic women's studies in China, India, Poland, and the United States."

Global Fund for Women
"...a publicly supported, nonprofit grantmaking foundation that advances women's human rights by funding women-led organizations worldwide."

Global Grassroots
"...to catalyze the development of conscious communities of change agents who will work independently, collectively and systemically to advance social change for vulnerable women and girls."

Global Room for Women (GRW)
"Our mission is to provide a virtual room where women from different cultures come together for dialogue and understanding; where impoverishment gives way to empowerment; and where every woman is awakened to the other. This awakening benefits children, men, the earth and all beings."

Global Women's Strike
"Women & girls do 2/3 of the world's work, most of it unwaged...."

Goddess Foundation, The
"...to inspire women to become ambassadors of the Goddess in communities across the globe. We must rekindle the Goddess' sacred hearth fires and create a billion blazing hearths around the world."

Go Feminist: The Conference
"We are a group of women working voluntarily to organise a feminist conference in London. We are all involved in a range of feminist groups in London, and most of us were on the organising committee of Feminism in London 2010...."

Guerrilla Gilrs
"To set the record straight: Members of our group have been kicking butt as Guerrilla Girls since 1985, and are authors of everything on the website www.guerrillagirls.com. It's the only place where you can reach, talk to, and book the Guerrilla Girls...."

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