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Charleston Women's Collective (CWC)
"We are a group of women in the Charleston community who have begun holding monthly meetings with the purpose of creating a safe space for women of all genders, races, ages, classes, and sexual orientations to come together under the commonality of female identification and experience and voice our opinions and personal experiences...."

CODE RED Caribbean Feminist Collective
"...a feminist collective of Caribbean women and men who recognise everyone's right to a good life. Our activities aim to bring a plurality of critical feminist voices to everything from politics and economics to gender and sexualities in our global world."

Cork Feminista
"...to provide a discussion and activist space for feminism in Cork. It is a collective of women and men who meet once a month to discuss different issues related to gender equality and feminism."

Crunk Feminist Collective, The (CFC)
"...will create a space of support and camaraderie for hip hop generation feminists of color, queer and straight, in the academy and without..."

Edinburgh Feminist Freeschool
"...a collective of women and transfolk who value feminist education and organise to share skills and knowledge in a feminist framework. We are a feminist collective of women who live in and around Edinburgh of varying ages and backgrounds."

Emma Goldman Clinic (Iowa City, Iowa, USA)
"...birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, gynecological health, abortion..."

Equality Now
"...to work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world."

Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) (Australia)
"Be part of Australia's largest network of women's organisations advocating for women's equality...."

European Feminist Forum (EFF)
"...a space for discussions on how to re-politicize the feminist movement in Europe and to explore feminist agendas needed in today's Europe. The forum is committed to fostering an open and diverse dialog among European feminist and to creating a space for frminist to come together, meet each other and bring about change in Europe."

European MenProfeminist Network, The
"We affirm that men as well as women want to build a new society where gender is not the central factor discriminating between individuals, who should be free to choose the life styles that suit them...."

European Women's Lobby (EWL)
"...to promote real and effective equality between women and men, in all spheres of public and private life, across the EU."

Feminist Art Project (FAP) (Indiana, USA)
"...for the purpose of linking feminist artists across the state in discussion, exhibition opportunities, and activism."

Feminist Art Project (FAP) (Kansas, USA)
"...a strategic intervention against the ongoing erasure of women from the cultural record. TFAP promotes diverse feminist art events, education and publications..."

Feminist Art Project (FAP) (Oklahoma, USA)
"This is an informal get together in which members of the local Feminist Art Project can meet other members..."

Feminist Art Project, The (FAP)
"...an international collaborative initiative celebrating the Feminist Art Movement and the aesthetic, intellectual and political impact of women on the visual arts, art history, and art practice, past and present."
http://feministartproject.rutgers.edu/ ~ http://feministartproject.rutgers.edu/home/

Feminist Brighton (UK)
"We are an activist network in Brighton, UK inspired by discussion, debate and action for gender equality and feminist struggle. We run a regular monthly reading and discussion group along with social gatherings in Brighton."

Feminist Campus
"...to inform young feminists about the very real threats to abortion access, women's rights, affirmative action, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights posed by right-wing extremists."

Feminist Collective, The (University of King's College)
"A member-directed society based out of University of King's College and open to the community, for the discussion and activism of feminisms, from the personal to the global. The feminist collective meets on a weekly basis on UKC campus - all are welcome."

Feminist Dalit Organization, The (FEDO)
"...established in 1994 by a group of concerned Dalit Women with the vision to 'fight against caste and gender discrimination and to construct a just and equitable society'."

Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST)
"...a professional organization dedicated to promoting feminist ethical perspectives on philosophy, moral and political life, and public policy."

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