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Image by Keith Kristoffer Bacongco, Edited by Punkerslut
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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Feminism Organizations Directory
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7th European Feminist Research Conference
"Gendered Cultures at the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge and Politics..."

8th European Feminist Research Conference
"Women and men in Europe in the first decades of the 21st century are confronted with acute social, political, cultural, economic and environmental concerns, including increasingly racist politics and nationalist discourses across Europe, huge cutbacks in social services and education..."

Alliance of Women Film Journalists (AWFJ)
"Our purpose is to support work by and about women - both in front of and behind the cameras - through intra-group promotional activities, outreach programs and by presenting the annual EDA Awards..."

Amargi Feminist Review (Turkey)
"...list of projects, workshops and campaigns that Amargi members are involved in and what they accomplished in the past. You can find an overview of interviews made with Amargi activists and listen to audio files about Amargi and Feminism in Turkey as well."

American Association of University Women (AAUW) (Washington State, USA)
"...made up of great, fun loving members who belong to branches from the tips of the Olympic Peninsula in the west to the Palouse and Tri-Cities areas in the far southwest to Omak-Okanogan region to the north."

Anti-Porn Feminists: Pro-Sex, Anti-Porn
"...a group of feminists campaigning against pornography. Bin the Bunny (the protest against the Playboy store on Oxford St) was our first campaign."

Arab Women's Leadership Institute, The (AWLI)
"...strengthens the democratic development of women in the Arab region by providing the skills, resources, and connections necessary to succeed as elected or appointed officials, within civil society, and as community leaders."

Arizona Feminist Action Network (AZ FAN)
"...a loose band of anti-patriarchal, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-ableist, anti-heteronormative, anti-cisnormative, and anti-hierarchical fanatics. We are passionate about spreading cultures of mutual aid, accountability, and resistance."

Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWRD)
"...an international, feminist, membership organization committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women's human rights."

Association for Women in Psychology (AWP)
"...an incorporated, not-for-profit scientific and educational feminist organization devoted to reevaluating and reformulating the role that psychology and the mental health field generally play within women's lives."

Association of Libertarian Feminists (ALF)
"...to encourage women to become economically self-sufficient; encourage women to be psychologically independent..."

Australian Vietnamese Women's Association (AVWA) (Australia)
"...empowering and caring for Vietnamese communities."

Autonomous Radical Feminists (ARF)
"We wish to examine the connections between the capitalist society that reduces women and children to commodities to be exploited, and the capitalist society that reduces the environment to a commodity to be exploited."

"...a grassroots and volunteer-based organization of Filipina women in San Francisco dedicated to supporting and empowering Pinays through critical education, leadership development, and community building."

Barnard Center for Research on Women (BCRW), The
"...at the very forefront of feminist action and scholarship. BCRW promotes women's and social justice issues in the local spheres of the Barnard College community and academic and activist networks in New York City..."

Beyond Patriarchy Conference 2010
"Our schedule for this year's conference is below! Printed programs with full workshop descriptions will be available at the convergence!"

Bristol Feminist Network (BFN)
"A community group of women and men from the Bristol and area who are interested in discussing feminist ideas, who believe in the importance of women's liberation, and who actively campaign on issues of gender inequality and oppression...."

CalArts Feminist Collective
"It's time that Calarts got back in touch with its feminist roots. We've got amazing women and we've got amazing art and it's time for that sacred union to be celebrated...."

Cardiff Feminist Network (CFN)
"...a forum for feminists and their allies to get together regularly for discussions and socialising, and to support feminist activism in the Cardiff area."

Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action, The (CAFRA)
"...a regional network of feminists, individual researchers, activists and women's organisations that define feminist politics as a matter of both consciousness and action. We are committed to understanding the relationship between the oppression of women and other forms of oppression in the society..."

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