and Women's Rights
information links
The current Featured Link for the Organizations Link Directories is Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign (Africa) : "...formed on November 2000 with the aim of fighting evictions, water cut-offs and poor health services, obtaining free electricity, securing decent housing, and opposing police brutality. The AEC is currently an umbrella body for over 10 community organizations, crisis committees, and concerned residents movements..." -- Find similar and related links in the Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory.
Effie, The (Edinburgh, Scotland)
"The feminist scene in Edinburgh is thriving and varied, from well known organisations to grass roots collectives and one-off events. But, partly due to this diversity, there has not been a simple, accessible way to find out about and get involved in it - until now."
http://theeffie.wordpress.com/ ~ http://www.theeffie.org.uk/
embodied, the
"When I'm not reading convoluted academic theory until my eyes water, I am working to uncover anti-fat biases in media representations of the fat body and examine the many intersectionalities of fat identity...."
Ending Male Violence
"...marxists are patriarchal anthropogenic assholes..."
Equal Rights Amendment, The (ERA)
"The Equal Rights Amendment, first proposed in 1923 to affirm that women and men have equal rights under the law, is still not part of the U.S. Constitution...."
Equal Writes
"...a writing project that hopes to start a dialogue about feminism and gender issues on and off campus."
Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind
"Dedicated to the broken ground of your healing heart! This session for women of color and and feminists of color who do not conform to the gender binary is about lifting up break-up poetics as necessary and transformative clarity..."
F-Word, The (UK)
"...an online magazine dedicated to talking about and sharing ideas on contemporary UK feminism...."
Faces of Feminists
"I've started this blog to break down stereotypes about what a feminist looks like. Feminists are all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sizes, shapes, genders, colors, classes, sexualities, etc., etc., etc."
fatal feminist , the (TTF)
"Feminism, in the simplest of definitional explanations, is a position that all human beings are inherently equal. In practice and study it involves complex, overlapping theories. There are many different kinds of feminisms."
FBomb, The
"...a blog/community created for teenage girls who care about their rights as women and want to be heard. Young feminists who are just a little bit pissed off..."
Fem 2.0: Society's Issues + Women's Voices
"...brings together the leadership of major women's advocacy organizations and online women's communities to further the connection between today's issues and women's voices."
Female Gazing
"Hello, I'm a woman. I gaze at men for fun. Males gaze at me so I gaze at them. I lust after their arms, their voices and whatever else I want. It's freeing. You should try it sometime."
"The feminist movement started in Europe (France and the Netherlands) in the late 19th century to campaign for a woman's right to vote. After the Second World War, the movement gained new momentum...."
Feminism and Women's Studies
"...first designed in 1993 by members of the Carnegie Mellon University Women's Center. One of the earliest women's studies web sites on the Internet, our site has since the outset been very well known..."
"The web was pretty new back then, and we wanted to tap into its amazing power to offer people around the world access to information about human rights, women's issues, health, anti-violence resources, grassroots activism, women's businesses, and pretty much anything that could possibly support a world where men and women are allied, empowered and equal...."
Feminist Agenda, The
"...What Women Love, Disney Porn Fairy, Those Gender Rebels at J. Crew..."
Feminist Archive North (FAN)
"...holds a wide variety of material relating to the Women's Liberation Movement (WLM) from 1969 to the present."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.