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Woman: Society's Humanizer
"Promoting a new kind of woman who can face the challenges of motherhood. Investing in woman is investing in family and as a result in society as a whole...."

Women's and Gender Studies Blog
"A feminist song? That I enjoyed? Yes, there actually are some!"

Women's eNews
"...the definitive source of substantive news--unavailable anywhere else--covering issues of particular concern to women and their allies."

Women's Glib: Feminism With Ease
"Women's Lib[eration], a.k.a. feminism: n., belief in the social, political, and economic equality of all people regardless of gender or sex..."

Women's Liberation Music Archive (WLMA)
"Feminist Music-Making in the UK and Ireland, 1970-1990..."

Women's Rights in the Workplace Advocacy
"...to advance the cause of working women so that ultimately, women will not have to sacrifice fulfillment at home for a successful career."

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
"...a resource for students and scholars of U.S. history and U.S. women's history. Organized around the history of women in social movements in the U.S...."
http://womhist.alexanderstreet.com/ ~ http://womhist.binghamton.edu/

"Along with the positives, however, often come complicated changes in families and relationships, our bodies, and our self-identity...."

Women Can Be Priests
"We are faithful Catholics who show why the exclusion of women from priesthood is wrong."

Women in London
"...a directory of london based women's groups and feminist activities..."

Women in Texas History (WITH)
"...the portal for all things historical about women in Texas. Students, teachers, researchers, and Texas history lovers will discover stories about all kinds of women..."

Women of the World, Unite!: Writings by Carol Hanisch
"...Founding member of New York Radical Women, 1967; Originator of the Miss America Protest, 1968; Author of the groundbreaking paper, The Personal is Political, 1969..."

womensgrid: local women's news, views and issues
"...has been set up to display the postings about women in the UK and Ireland that were previously on womensphere..."

"...global women's news, views and issues..."

"What is our vision? Our vision is building a world where all women's voices and experiences are heard by all."

Womens Words
"...where you can join in and be part of a community that really listens to women."

Women with Opinions
"...a woman-powered, progressive group blog written by members of the Rochester Chapter of the National Organization for Women. NOW's top priorities are winning economic equality and securing it with an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will guarantee equal rights for women..."

Woven From My Mother's Womb
"...when the sun hits your face, and when you are devastated over the horrible things that humans can do to one another, these poems are woven from those feelings and more. and they are brought to you by me. and i was woven from my mother's womb."

Yeah, What She Said!: Calgary's Only Women's / Feminist Radio Program
"...we inform you about upcoming events and interview local women who are doing amazing things. We also bring you women's stories and news from around the globe..."

Yes Means Yes!
"...visions of female sexual power & a world without rape..."

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