and Women's Rights
information links

Image: By Jeroen van Valkenburg, Edited by Punkerslut, Released Under the Creative Commons, "Attribution 2.0 Generic" License
The current Featured Link for the Revolution and Social Justice Link Directory is Outta Your Backpack Media (OYBMedia) : "...an Indigenous youth response to the need for media justice in our communities. We seek to create community ownership of media through youth empowerment. We challenge corporate dominated media by telling our own stories and by establishing our own networks and opportunities for media distribution." -- Find similar and related links in the Anarchism, Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian Directory.
(R)Evolutionary Witticisms in 4/4 Time
"...Budding Feminist. Vegetarian Faux Chef. Miami Native. Cultural Blogger. Amateur Photographer. Yoga Enthusiast. Film Junkie. Full-Time Renaissance Woman."
"...your source for feminism. We help you locate the resources you need in regard to feminism and the feminist movement. No matter what information you need we have you covered. Research, rate, review and compare here at 4feminism.com."
آزادى زن (Persian)
"آزادى زن معيار آزادى جامعه است. نه تنها در ايران که زن ستيزى بشکلى توحش آميز حکم ميراند، در پيشرفته ترين جوامع امروز بشر نيز، کارهاى زياد و عاجلى براى امحاء کامل نابرابرى بين زن و مرد پيش روى ماست. 'سازمان آزادى زن' مقدمتا خود را جزئى از يک مبارزه عظيم، تاريخى و جهانى براى رهايى زن ميداند."
http://www.womensliberation.net/ ~ http://www.azadizan.net/
About Face
"...equips women and girls with tools to understand and resist harmful media messages that affect their self-esteem and body image."
Adamant Eve (Edmonton, Canada)
"Seeing as women's issues are as powerful as ever in this day and age, and if anything they're much more complex, Adamant Eve is everything women have raved, wondered or smoldered about, along with a dose of news with a feminist bent and music to help you get your feminism on! Kapow!"
Against All Evidence
"I call myself a radical feminist because, for this world to be livable for women, girls, and all oppressed groups, radical change is necessary. I am not a lukewarm third-waver, despite what my 'youthfulness' may convey."
Against Pornography: Anti-Pornography Website
"...a feminist anti-pornography website which aims at raising the awareness about the harms of pornography (as well as of prostitution) to women and children -- both inside and outside of the industry -- and, also, the harms of pornography to its users, to relationships and to the society in general."
Allan Hunter's Theory Site
"I am a theorist, writing in the tradition of radical feminist theory. Some of you may question the purpose of theory and wonder why I should get enjoyment out of writing it, or why anyone else would want to read it. Others may wonder 'why feminist theory'..."
"Academic and artistic feminist resistance at grassroots level..."
Angry for a Reason
"A place to vent my frustrations about living in a effed up white male dominated, ableist, capitalistic society. And if you're mean, misogynistic, or in any other way effed up I will delete you."
Antigone Magazine
"Our blog treats a variety of issues centering around politics and the politics of being female. We believe that there are not enough voices in the Canadian blogsphere that deal exclusively with women's issues and women in Canadian politics."
Anti Room, The
"...the home of many Irish ladies writing about everything from fashion to feminism, pop culture to politics, and lots of things we haven't even thought of yet. The Anti-Room was founded in 2008 by four Dublin-based journalists..."
Armpit Mould
"If you: Think the dominant culture should be challenged. Are sick of the patriarchy.Are into queer and gender politics. Want to read about polyamory. Then you might enjoy this blog."
Audio Smut: Sex Positive Radio
"...a racy radio show exploring the vast terrain of sexuality. We are a feminist collective of sex positive activists who are committed to finding creative ways of challenging notions of decency."
Australian Women's Register, The
"...a valuable and growing source of biographical data about Australian women and their organisations, with hyper-links to the archival repositories and libraries where their records are held and to other sources of information."
Autobiography of Suzy X., The
"A personal and slightly political account in words and sloppy illustrations..."
http://seesuzysketch.blogspot.com/ ~ http://suzyxisntreal.tumblr.com/
Bad Reputation (BadRep): A Feminist Pop Culture Adventure
"We try to be welcoming to readers still dipping their toe into this whole 'feminist outlook' business. We like to take a humorous approach where we can. We think feminism's bad reputation in large sections of the media these days is an irksome load of guff."
Beautiful Struggler, The
"Since 2006, Lemieux has galvanized a broad national audience with her meditations on race, culture, relationships and her own less-than-ordinary life...."
Betty Dodson with Carlin Ross
"...two intergenerational sex positive feminists whose dialogue on sexuality and feminism entertains and educates while delving into the Politics of Women's Sexuality..."
"...lectured in Political Theory, was a contributing editor of the women's magazine Sibyl and style magazine 2nd Generation and edited and art directed the style magazine The Stealth Corporation...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.