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Death Penalty,
and Capital Punishment

information links

Image By W. M. Goodes
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Texas Death Penalty Education and Resource Center Video Center, The
"Join In. Review new videos. Upload and share clips."

Texas Moratorium Network Anti-Death Penalty Video Channel, The
"Join In. Review new videos. Upload and share clips...."

Texas Moratorium Network Blog
"In Texas it is apparently ok for a Republican judge to say that they are 'pro prosecution'..."

Troy Anthony Davis: An Innocent Man Facing Execution in Georgia
"Where is the Justice for me? In 1989 I surrendered myself to the police for crimes I knew I was innocent of in an effort to seek justice..."

TX Death Penalty Abolition Movement (Texas, USA)
"...Innocence Cases, Law of Parties, Listserv, Media, Minutes, Monthly Meetings / Agendas, Upcoming Events, Videos..."

"Sitting here in the adjustment center called 'The AC' (hole), I'm an inmate on California's death row. On December 10, 2005, I was housed in East Block where most of the death row's population is housed..."

Wallace Marvin Fugate, III
"...falsely accused of premeditated murder and was ironically murdered himself..."

Women of Death Row
"This website is about the women of death row. Every effort is made to contact the women and get their input...."

"We are an organization whose primary goal is to help inmates receive letters from pen pals...."

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