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Child Abuse,
and Child Neglect

information links

Image By C. Feezel
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Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (NIS-4) Report to Congress, The
"The NIS is a congressionally mandated, periodic research effort to assess the incidence of child abuse and neglect in the United States...."

Free Range Kids
"So I started this site for anyone who thinks that kids need a little more freedom and would like to connect to people who feel the same way."

Hide Out, The
"Children and young people have told us again and again that they want more information about domestic violence that's easy to read and understand. So, we created this site especially for YOU!"

Hope For Healing Hearts
"...give survivors and victims of abuse support in a healthy environment where they can learn how to overcome issues they still face long after the abuse has passed."

I Had To Tell
"I want abuse to end..."
http://wtv-zone.com/herstorythree/entrancetwo.html ~ http://d21c.com/herstorytwo/

It Only Takes A Minute
"Every minute invested in a child's life is time well spent. Nurturing, protecting, praising, listening...."

"...your gateway to comprehensive data about the health and well being of children across California.The site offers data for every city, county, and school district in the state, making it easy to monitor trends and pinpoint disparities."

Kim's Safe Place
"...for the healing, prevention, and awareness of child abuse..."

Lundy Bancroft
"Prevention, Response, and Healing for Domestic Abuse and Child Maltreatment..."

Many Voices
"...bimonthly newsletters, books, and website offer healing resources to people recovering from child abuse or severe trauma."

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)
"...promotes scholarly exchange among researchers in the child maltreatment field."

Next Step Counseling and Training and Small Wonder Books, The
"A primary focus of the work at The Next Step is adult male recovery from the effects of sexual child abuse and other trauma...."

PANdora's Box
"Child protection and abuse prevention information..."
http://www.prevent-abuse-now.com/ ~ http://www.prevent-abuse-now.com/index.htm ~ http://www.preventabusenow.com/ ~ http://www.preventabusenow.com/index.htm

Parental Alienation (Canada)
"Parental alienation involves the systematic brainwashing, poisoning and manipulation of children with the sole purpose of destroying a loving and warm relationship they once shared with a parent...."

Parental Alienation Is Child Abuse
"The purpose of this page is to provide the visitor with an overview of important PAS case law...."

Phoenix and Olive Branch, The
"A survivor blog from a daughter of the Christian Patriarchy movement...."
http://phoenixandolivebranch.wordpress.com/ ~ http://www.patheos.com/blogs/phoenixandolivebranch/

Pinwheels for Prevention
"...introducing the pinwheel as the new symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention nationwide."

Prevent Bullying Tulsa (Arizona)
"...to provide the community with resources and services regarding children and bullying."

Religion and Child Abuse News
"An archive of news items related to child abuse or neglect, or infringement of children's rights, in a religious context...."

Report Child Abuse
"If you suspect child abuse please call (in the USA)..."

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