Rationalism, and Freethought
information links
Thinking about using GoogleChrome? Good luck! It installs auto-updating malware your system, "GoogleUpdate.exe," that infiltrates the Windows Registry, even if you try to uninstall it. Use an old version of Firefox, and don't worry about buggy, questionable code being installed by third parties without permission!
Atheist Think Tank Forum, The
"Regardless of why you want to know more, or share more, about atheism, you are invited to read our testimonials and take part in a discussion of belief and non-belief..."
Atheist Toolbox
"Are Atheism and Agnosticism compatible? Do Atheists have an agenda? How many Atheists are there? Is Atheism a religion?"
Bay of Fundie
"Keeping the Radical Right at Bay..."
Beware of the God
"Desires for radical certainty quicken and rise, all across the planet."
Bible Verses Rarely Read on Sunday
"'Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk.' This is a ridiculous commandment. I will never be tempted to break this commandment."
Black Sun Journal
"Threaten someone's life? That's one thing. Threaten their immortality? Now that's something to inspire fear in a believer."
Camp Quest
"The Summer, Secular Camp"
Capella's Guide to Atheism
"A guide from an ex-Christian to Bible errors, Bible contradictions, Bible atrocities, well as general problems with Christian beliefs..."
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Case Against Faith
"...premier site on the net for debunking Lee Strobel's 'Case for ...' apologetic series!"
Celebrity Atheist List
"...notable individuals who have been public about their lack of belief..."
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Christianity Meme
" expose Christianity for what it really is--a mind virus that controls human behavior to facilitate its own survival."
Church of Reality
"...about making a religious commitment to the pursuit of reality as it really is."
Closet Atheist, The
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Common Sense Atheism
"I suspect most people lose their faith for mostly personal reasons. As chance would have it, I lost my faith for almost entirely intellectual reasons...."
Concordat Watch
"...separation of church and state is urgently needed to ensure human rights for all."
Constitutional Principle, The: Separation of Church and State
"The Separation of Church and State principle is a part of our historical, legal and political / social heritage and preserves and protects our religious liberty. Our page is devoted to exploring the nature and purpose of this principle in an effort to educate the public."
Conversational Atheist
"A conversational atheist is a person who engages and challenges people - that he both agrees and disagrees with - in an effective way."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.