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Animal Rights,
Vegetarian, and Vegan

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Animal-Kind International
"...getting the message out about animal welfare issues in developing countries and what can be done to address them."

Animal Acres
"The sanctuary is a refuge for animals, and a sanctuary for the soul...."

Animal Advocates (Massachusetts, USA)
"...a nonprofit humane organization dedicated to helping control the overpopulation of animals through spaying and neutering..."

Animal Advocates Australia
"Animal rights, also known as animal liberation, is the idea that the most basic interests of non-human animals should be afforded the same consideration as the similar interests of human beings...."

Animal Advocates of SDSU
"...educate students about the continual suffering animals endure everyday in factory farms, fur farms, laboratories, circuses, and all other idustries that disregard these living, breathing beings as nothing but mere objects. We advocate cruelty free lifestyles through outreach..."

Animal Advocates of Western New York
"...an independent, non-profit, all volunteer grassroots community organization dedicated to the elimination of animal exploitation and abuse. Founded in 1985, we are issue and action oriented. We are working with other local, regional and national groups to help build this social justice movement."

Animal Defenders International (ADI): Working Together For Animals
"We take a unique holistic, self-sufficient approach to achieving long-term protection for animals. We work at all levels, from start to finish of a campaign - from undercover investigations to scientific and economic research, publication of technical reports, through to public education..."

Animal Defense & Anti-Vivisection Society of BC (Canada)
"According to many scientists, the best hope for the prevention or cure of many diseases is relevant and progressive non-animal research methods, such as in vitro cell and tissue cultures, microfluidic circuits, computer modeling, microdosing, and epidemiological studies."

Animal Emancipation (AE): Veganism, Abolition and Animal Solidarity
"...an Ottawa-based, transnational animal advocacy group that promotes public education about veganism and provides abolitionist animal rights and vegan outreach materials. Our goal is to educate people about veganism and the rights of nonhuman animals not to be used as property, as well as to promote an end to their use as human property."

Animal Equality
"...an international non-profit organisation dedicated to achieving equal consideration and respect for animals and promotes a vegan lifestyle. We are currently active in the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Venezuela and India."

Animal Ethics Reading and Discussion Group, The
"...to further advance awareness of the philosophical principles underlying the animal liberation movement. We feel there is a critical need for an examination of perceptions motivating humans' role as co-habitants on Earth with other species."

Animalia International: United Immigrants-In-Finland for Animal Rights
"...the English-speaking volunteer group within the animal rights organisation Animalia in Finland. We work to enhance the recognition of animal rights as well as to improve the status and the well-being of animals in our society."

"Nearly 20,000 sheltered animals die as victims of pet overpopulation every year in our area. There will never be enough homes for them all."

Animal Law Coalition (ALC)
"...works to stop animal cruelty and suffering through legislation, administrative agency action, and litigation. ALC offers legal analysis of the difficult and controversial issues relating to animals."

Animal Legal & Historical Center (Michigan State University College of Law)
"We believe this site is the largest legal website devoted to animal issues in the world. Unsurprisingly, the website's most sought after materials relate to the many issues that dogs provide our society...."

Animal Liberation (Australia)
"... all animals (yes humans are animals too) have a right to live how they would normally choose without other species intervention."

Animal Liberation Front (ALF)
"...carries out direct action against animal abuse in the form of rescuing animals and causing financial loss to animal exploiters, usually through the damage and destruction of property."
http://www.animalliberationfront.com/ ~ http://www.animalrightsmilitia.com/

Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group (ALFSG)
"...exists to support animal rights activists unfortunate enough to end up behind bars. We also promote an understanding of the reasons why decent, caring people feel forced to break the law."

Animal Liberation Inc. (South Australia)
"...to change the way animals are treated..."
http://www.animalliberation.org.au/ ~ http://www.animalliberation.org.au/homesa.php

Animal Liberation League! (Missouri, USA)
"We are a group of students at the University of Missouri-Columbia who are very passionate about animal rights. We have weekly meetings and work on several different campaigns to benefit animals. We are very friendly people always wanting to make new friends and more dedicated members."

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