Animal Rights,
Vegetarian, and Vegan
organizations links
Do you know the address of a related website that's no longer available? You should still submit, because then we will add the link to the inactive directory for that subject.
VegWorcester (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA)
"...a not-for-profit, community organization that advocates vegetarian living to the population of Central Massachusetts. We organize educational events around veganism, animal rights, and the environmental impact of meat production."
Vida Vegan Con: Vegan Lifestyle Bloggers Conference
"...a professionally run, annual conference designed to celebrate, explore, and fine-tune the practice-and ever-growing community-of vegan bloggers and users. With an action-packed weekend of workshops, discussion panels, speakers, special events, vegan food, and more."
WildCare: Live Well With Wildlife (San Rafael, California, USA)
"We work to make sure all species can coexist-- not just by treating sick or injured animals (over 3,000 of them a year), but also by teaching people how to live peacefully with wildlife and by advocating for better protection of wildlife and our remaining open spaces."
WildEarth Guardians
"...protects and restores wildlife, wild rivers, and wild places in the American West. We have four programs focusing on wildlife, wild places, wild rivers, and climate and energy."
Wolf Army, The (USA)
"Like the Wolf Army, we aim to save the wolf from the persecution, slaughter, and potential extinction. We can accomplish this by establishing a large network of people who work together to educate decision makers to help preserve the wolf."
Wolf Army, The
"...aims to save the Wolf from further persecution and extinction by establishing a vast network of people, pooling skills, knowledge, contacts, economic and political power to reach our aim."
World Animal Day
"...a special opportunity for anyone who loves animals..."
World Animal Net
"...the world's largest network of animal protection societies with consultative status at the UN."
World Farm Animals Day
"...hosted by volunteers in communities in all 50 U.S. states and 2 dozen other countries."
World Vegetarian Day
"World Vegetarian Day, October 1, is the annual kick-off of Vegetarian Awareness Month. Make a difference this October by informing others about the benefits of vegetarianism. You will be helping to create a better world because vegetarian diets have proven health benefits, save animals' lives and help to preserve the Earth."
World Wide Legal Action 4 Animal Rights
"...a strong international network consisting of groups and individuals from around the world who have united together for our one common goal, to help animals and to assist those working hands on in the field."
Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale
"On April 21 through April 29 (two weekends and the weekdays in between), groups from across the world will hold vegan bake sales. Each participating group gets to choose its venue, what to sell, and how it uses the proceeds. We invite you to participate!"
Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue
" rescue, treat, spay/neuter and place as house pets, rabbits that have been abused, neglected, injured or dumped; to educate the public on rabbit health care and needs; to stop the irresponsible breeding and selling of rabbits."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.