Animal Rights,
Vegetarian, and Vegan
organizations links
If you found a website that you think should be added to the directory, but you don't know a good title for it, just submit the url and we'll figure out a title for it. If nothing can be found, we'll just title it using some of the text from the URL. It's most important that the resources in the website become available to others looking to make change.
Vegetarian Network of Austin, The (Texas, USA)
"...Austin's longest-serving family-friendly social and educational vegetarian group, active in promoting vegetarianism in Austin since 1996. We aim to make it easier for new people to find out about vegan and vegetarian resources, businesses and activities in Austin."
Vegetarian Network Victoria (VNV) (Australia)
"...a not-for-profit organisation based in Melbourne, Australia. It is run by people who care about human health, animal welfare and the environment. Vegetarian Victoria is devoted to promoting the many benefits of vegetarianism and providing quality service, support and up-to-date information..."
Vegetarian Society of Colorado, The (VSC)
"...a 501(c)3 nonprofit, nonsectarian, educational organization dedicated to upholding the standards of vegetarianism. We sponsor community outreach programs, educational events, potluck dinners and speakers. We bring people together to discuss and live a humane, healthful and environmentally responsible plant-based lifestyle."
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Vegetarian Society of El Paso (VSEP) (Texas, USA)
" of the largest vegetarian associations in the US as well as one of the most active. We are an all-volunteer, non-profit educational organization whose mission is to promote the benefits of a plant-based diet by incorporating education with entertaining social events."
Vegetarian Society of Georgia (VSG)
" all-volunteer group that relies on your support and participation. Please contact us if you can donate even a little time to keep our group growing."
Vegetarian Society of Hawaii, The (VSH)
"...a not-for-profit volunteer organization founded in 1990 to promote human health, animal rights, and protection of the environment by means of vegetarian education. It's among the largest vegetarian/vegan societies in the nation. Join us!"
Vegetarian Society of Richmond: For Health, Animals, and the Earth
"...a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting vegetarianism through education, activities and advocacy. We want to be a great resource for you by providing information about vegetarianism and related issues. We seek to unite vegetarians and those interested in vegetarianism in the Richmond area."
Vegetarian Society of South Jersey, The (VSSJ)
"Educational: To educate the public on the benefits of vegetarianism. Information is provided through literature, videos, cooking classes, speakers, and an annual Health Expo. Social: To provide opportunities for people to meet, share meals, and to have fun...."
Vegetarian Society of Utah (USA)
"Welcome to Utah's most comprehensive resource for those interested in reducing the amount of meat and/or dairy products from their diet, for whatever reason and at whatever pace. Our purpose is to educate interested individuals, organizations, and the general public as to the values and benefits of vegetarianism/whole food, plant based lifestyle."
Vegetarians of Washington (USA)
"Welcome to everyone, whether you are an experienced vegetarian, a beginner, or just curious. We invite you to discover the advantages and experience the pleasures of vegetarian food. While exploring new ways of eating, we encourage you to proceed at your own pace and enjoy the experience."
Veg Events
" educational and activist organization to promote veganism, environmentalism, and animal liberation."
VegFest (UK)
"...a celebration of all things vegan with loads of stalls serving awesome food as well as bodycare, clothes, accessories, gifts and also lots of campaigning groups and merchandise, plus stacks of info, talks, demos, performances, passion and positive energy."
"...empowers vegan activists worldwide by funding and supporting outreach activities that inspire people to choose a vegan lifestyle."
Veggie Pride Parade
"...inspired by (but is not affiliated with) the Veggie Pride Parade in Paris..."
"We have been promoting vegan catering and supporting campaigns for animal rights, environmental protection and social justice since 1984...."
VegNet Bend (Bend, Central Oregon, USA)
"...promotes education and demonstration of the healthiest lifestyle; a plant based diet for our bodies, our world, and all the creatures who share it."
VegOut NYC
"...New York's social group for lesbian, gay, bi and transgender vegetarians, vegans and friends."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.