Animal Rights,
Vegetarian, and Vegan
information links
Cool Vegan
"... a gathering place for cool vegans everywhere to connect, share, shop, and cavort."
Critical Animal
"I'm James K. Stanescu (aka Scu), this blog is devoted mostly to a discussion of critical animal studies, with a strong emphasis on poststructuralist and decolonial philosophy combined with a strong theoretical analysis of veganism/vegetarianism."
Critical Society
"...interested in are human rights, media, animal liberation/rights, feminism, governance, environment, wildlife, ecology, censorship, (in)justice, class, race, sport, ideology, poverty, slavery, humanitarianism - all viewed from a standpoint at odds with many of the norms of current, mainstream practices."
"...Animal Poetry, Environment | Climate, Religion | Spirituality, Ethics | Morality, Law | Legislation..."
Cyber Whale Warrior
"I had the pleasure, once again, to be on Joey Giggles' online radio show. I like doing the show because people can hear my voice. Unlike written text, emotional connotations come through in audio...."
Czech Vegan (in America)
"I am a Czech Vegan living in America. I am working on my first vegan cookbook. On this blog I share my recipes, my thoughts about vegan living, vegan products reviews and other fun things. Two of my recipes were published in the Vegetarian Times magazine..."
Daily Garnish
"I live in Seattle, Washington with my wonderful husband and our two goofy dogs. Here you'll find many healthy, vegetarian recipes and cooking tips, along with personal anecdotes of my journey as a marathon runner, and occasional stories about what crazy endeavor I'm trying next."
Daily Maul, The
"Where there's always blood in the water..."
Dallas Vegan
"We've been a blog since 2008, but we're ready to step up to the plate in becoming the #1 source for all-things vegan in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Beginning with our Restaurant Listings, Dallas Vegan aims to map the vegan landscape in DFW with news, events, and other info vital to the growing vegan scene in Dallas...."
Da Vegan Code, The
"I WILL: I will eat a sustainable healthy plantarian, pure vegetarian, vegan diet..."
DAWN Watch
"Dawn Animal World News Watch"
DC Vegan
"We blog about Vegan / Animal Rights stuff happening in and around Washington DC. We also host a monthly meetup called DC Vegan Drinks."
| (Spanish)
"...una ONG abolicionista que defiende los intereses de todos los animales no humanos (sin importar la especie a la que pertenezcan), por lo que pide la abolición de toda actividad o actitud especista, e informa de que el único modo de vida coherente con los verdaderos derechos animales es el veganismo..."
Delicious TV
"Eat green and live well..."
Diaries of Despair: The Secret History of Pig-to-Primate Organ Transplants
"Between 1994 and 2000, hundreds of higher primates were subjected to grotesque 'xenotransplantation' experiments. Hearts and kidneys from genetically engineered piglets were transplanted into the necks, abdomens and chests of monkeys and baboons captured from the wild."
Diary of a Vegan
"The Musings of a 30-Something Vegan Girl Living in a Meat-Eating World..."
Dinner with Dilip
"I love to cook and teach vegan cooking...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.