Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
organizations links
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Centro de Mídia Independente (CMI) (Independent Media Center) (Brazil)
"...uma rede de produtores e produtoras independentes de mídia que busca oferecer ao público informação alternativa e crítica de qualidade que contribua para a construção de uma sociedade livre, igualitária e que respeite o meio ambiente."
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Centro studi Libertari/Archivio Giuseppe Pinelli (Italy)
"Il proposito di costituire un centro studi intitolato all'anarchico Giuseppe Pinelli matura durante i lavori preparatori del convegno su Mihail Bakunin, tenuto a Venezia nel 1976, quando i componenti del comitato organizzatore, in gran parte aderenti ai gruppi 'Bandiera nera' di Milano e 'Nestor Machno' di Venezia..."
Charlottesville Anarchism (Virginia, USA)
"Following the success of Charlottesville's 1st Anarchist Bookfair on March 19th, 2011, the organizers along with other folks decided to keep momentum going through various efforts...."
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City is Ours, The (Melbourne, Australia)
"...born out of a need for direct action approaches to the housing crisis in Melbourne - a crisis which is echoed in countless cities and regions all over the world."
Col·lectiu Kaos en la Red (Spanish)
" el colectivo de personas que conforman una Asociación Cultural, que tiene como objetivo principal luchar contra el capitalismo, para lo cual cuenta, entre otras herramientas, con un medio de expresión digital que solo se publica en Internet..."
Coldsnap Legal Collective
" autonomous collective whose purpose is to work in solidarity with other groups or individuals in order to EDUCATE, EMPOWER, and SUPPORT the radical community by sharing knowledge, raising awareness, and developing a network of legal support and solidarity."
Collectif anarchiste La Nuit, Le (Québec, Canada)
"...une organisation politique active à Québec depuis maintenant cinq ans. Nous militons pour des mouvements sociaux combatifs et l'émergence d'une gauche libertaire large et ouverte."
Collective Autonomy Network (CAN)
"...promote collectively working together to ensure everyone's individual autonomy and expression, using every means possible to do so including real world actions and projects, community and network building, language, aesthetics, art, music, ideas, appropriate technologies, and more..."
Colorado Indymedia (COIMC) (USA)
"All working groups recognize the importance of process to social change and are committed to the development of non-hierarchical and anti-authoritarian relationships, from interpersonal relationships to group dynamics...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.