Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
organizations links
Why have an archive of broken links? By using online, archiving services, such as, we can still view these webpages as though they were still online.
Bristol No Borders
"No Borders, No Nations -- No Human Is Illegal -- For The Free Movement Of People..."
Bristol Radical History Group (BRHG)
"Bristol Radical History Group group now operates within a much wider network of footballers, artists, techies, drunks, rioters, publicans, ranters, ravers, academics, Cancan dancers, anarchists, stoners and other ne'r do wells...."
Bronx Anarchist Fair, The
"...a public event for people in our neighborhoods to learn and share with each other about how to make grassroots change."
Buffalo Independent Media Center (New York, USA)
"We strive to provide an information infrastructure for people and opinions who do not have access to the airwaves, tools and resources of corporate media. This includes audio, video, photography, internet distribution and any other communication medium...."
Building Resources Yeilding Cultural Change (BRYCC)
"...seeks to provide a safe, oppression-free thought space to people of all ages and persuasions, where they may gain the knowledge and collective engagement to be self-reliant and to live in a sustainable way."
| ~
| (Poland)
"...jest niezależną spółdzielnią administratorów, którzy chcą poświęcać swój czas na to, by ułatwić różnym ludziom działającym w klimatach wolnościowo/anarchistyczno/artowych znalezienie własnego miejsca w sieci."
Cвoбoднaя Boйнa (Russia)
"Гpуппa BOЙHA. yличнaя гpуппa худoжникoв-aкциoниcтoв, зaнятых пpoтecтным пoлитичecким иcкуccтвoм. Пoлитичecкиe взгляды - aнapхичecкиe. Bpaги - oбывaтeли, мeнты, влacть. Opгaнизaция - бoeвaя бpигaдa c пpeoблaдaниeм гopизoнтaльных cвязeй в быту и вepтикaльных нa aкции."
Calgary Anarchist Bookfair (CAB) (Canada)
"Here's our list of workshops so far. There may be some last-minute additions, so stay tuned. Saturday, July 7 - 12:00-1:30pm: Prairie Struggle Organization; The Quebec Student Movement: History, Politics and Anarchist Involvement...."
Camas (British Columbia, Canada)
"...a not-for-profit and collectively-run infoshop, bookstore and autonomous space located on Lekwungen Territory in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada."
Cambridge Action Network (CAN) (England, UK)
"We organise by consensus, no-one is in charge, and we're not affiliated with any political party. We're concerned about things like global corporate capitalism, the destruction of our environment, wars, imperialism, militarism, classism, racism..."
Cambridge Anarchists (England)
"...anarchism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, bnp environment, free spaces, immigration, police, social centre, squatting..."
Cardiff Radical Socialist Forum (CRSF)
"...involves a range of groups and individuals who believe in a planned economy owned and democratically managed by its workers."
Cascadia Media Collective, The (CMC) (Eugene, Oregon, USA)
" uncompromising group of videographers producing 'left of left' videos on resistance to environmental destruction, political demonstrations and the collapse of the techno-capitalist era. The CMC challenges typical liberal viewpoints to expand and accept more radical approaches to today's looming problems, as well as their solutions."
Catalyst Collective (CrimeThinc) (Boston)
"We envision and strive for a social environment in which agents of resistance may find safety and hospitality among members of the community - a culture of resistance...."
Catalyst Infoshop, The
"...a community/safe space for people to come. We offer a location for people to read, study, work, talk, and, most importantly, be themselves. The Catalyst fosters a community based on the ideals of non-violence, healthy communication, personal accountability, and acceptance."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.