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Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian

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The current Featured Link for Spreading the Truth is Headwaters Forest : "...the last large unprotected ancient redwood ecosystem left in the U.S. when Texas corporate raider Charles Hurwitz took over Pacific Lumber Company, raiding the company's pension plan, selling off its assets, and doubling the logging in the forest so he could pay back his junk bonds debt." -- Find similar and related links in the Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory.
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B-Fest (Greece)
"AntiAuthoritarian Festival / Αντιεξουσιαστικό Φεστιβάλ..."

Balkan Decentralized Network
"Together we are strong, divided we will fall! Down with racism, down with capitalism!"

Baltimore Free School
"Inspired by a growing network of similar projects in other cities, as well as the long tradition of anti-authoritarian education, we believe in creating a noncapitalist, noncoercive, and maximally horizontal infrastructure for teaching and learning from each other."

Bastard Squad Collective, The
"Benefit events for anarchist projects, ecological defense, and anti-capitalist struggle..."

Bath Activist Network
"We do not have a 'party line', and our group includes anarchists, anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, socialists, trade unionists, environmentalists, animal liberationists, anti-militarists, feminists and people who are all, or none of the above...."

Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair (St. Francisco)
"The book fair organizers wish to thank everyone who helped and partnered in this event, our speakers, and all of you for participating and making this a really worthwhile time for a lot of people...."

Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair, The (San Francisco, USA)
"...a free two-day event presented by Bound Together Bookstore. Each year, the book fair brings together over 75 radical booksellers, distributors, independent presses, and political groups from around the world, and features books, pamphlets, zines, art, crafts, and information. The two-day fair includes dozens of speakers, panels..."

Bay Area Radical Mental Health Collective (BARMH)
"...a grassroots group of political activists, who see an urgent need for addressing emotional and mental crises in the radical left community."

BCA-BSMN (Australia)
"...a collective/network which takes inspiration from and aligns itself with the ideas of social-anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism grounded in the Australian context."
http://ibcat.webstarts.com/ ~ http://www.reliefline.tk/

B Channel News (Canada)
"...a not-for-profit news media collective focused on local events and issues in and around Victoria BC. B Channel News is a collaborative project between writers, editors, videographers, photographers and artists."

Beehive Design Collective
"There are usually six backbone bees at any given time, with a current count of twenty eight total, and many other autonomous pollinators scattered throughout the Americas..."

Belfast Anarchist Bookfair (Ireland)
"The first Belfast Anarchist Bookfair last weekend was a great success. Its estimated that over 150 people attended the bookfair and film showing..."

Belfast Anarchist Bookfair 2008
"We seek to secure for all workers a full and equal share of the wealth and social benefits created by the combined labour of our class."

Belfast Anarchist Bookfair 2009
"Fighting Racism and Fascism 12.00; Women and Equality - workshop co-facilitated with RAG 12.45; Lunch 1.30; Equality and Education 2.00..."

Bellaciao (French)
"Combattre tout les tendances autoritaires, le libéralisme affairiste, l'impunité légale, la xénophobie, le nationalisme, la propagande raciste, l'apologie du fascisme, le mépris des minorités et les ardeurs guerrières co-existent avec le monopole de l'information..."

Berkeley Anarchist Study Group
"...an open long running (10+ years) anarchist study group. We meet every week on Tuesday..."

Berkeley Copwatch: Refuse to be Abused (California, USA)
"...the original Copwatch group. We began in 1990 on Telegraph Ave. as an all-volunteer organization dedicated to monitoring police actions and non-violently asserting our rights."

Beyond Resistance (Aotearoa, New Zealand)
"...a collective of revolutionary class struggle anarchists in Otautahi/Christchurch, Aotearoa, who have come together in the hope of creating a coherent and organised anarchist presence in our area."

Black Bridge International (BBI)
"...a decentralized anarchist mutual aid web. We hope BBI to be an efficient, decentralized, non-bureaucratic forum for international anarchists - individuals or organizations - to share information and recources."

Black Cherry Infoshop & Community Center, The
"Resistance to oppression is beautiful!"

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