Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
organizations links
If you found a website that you think should be added to the directory, but you don't know a good title for it, just submit the url and we'll figure out a title for it. If nothing can be found, we'll just title it using some of the text from the URL. It's most important that the resources in the website become available to others looking to make change.
Seomra Spraoi (Dublin, Ireland)
" autonomous social centre in Dublin city centre. It is run by a non-hierarchical, anti capitalist collective on a not-for-profit basis."
Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair
"We live in a time of crisis. An economic crisis, an environmental crisis and, if the government gets its way, an impending social crisis. When the only thing that is on the political agenda is cuts, cuts and more cuts it is all the more important to explore the alternatives. And there is an alternative - anarchism."
Sheffield Anarchist Feminist Network
"Some anarchist feminists in Sheffield have created a network to share ideas, work together in direct action and join together in solidarity. We invite anyone who wishes to discuss anarchist feminist issues, whether they would class themselves as anarchist feminist or not, to join us in at our meetings or events, regardless of gender."
Silent City Distro
"We are Anarchists and visionaries. We are romantic and daring. We listen, study, agitate, connect issues, and disrupt business as usual...."
Simon Jones Memorial Campaign
" fight for the truth about Simon's death to be revealed and to challenge the profits-before-people set up that killed him."
Social Ecology (London, England)
"We're examining genuine democratic alternatives to capitalism, such as libertarian socialism, communalism, social anarchism and participatory economics...."
Solidarity Federation (West Yorkshire, United Kingdom)
"Syndicalism is the workers' movement. Deriving from the French word for Trade Unionism (Syndicalisme), it seeks to unite workers on an economic basis to fight for their interests...."
Solidarity Federation
"Everyone involved is helping to build a non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian solidarity movement."
South Wales Anarchists
"...a network of autonomous collectives who are against all forms of exploitation and bigotry."
Space Hijackers
"Our group is dedicated to battling the constant oppressive encroachment onto public spaces of institutions, corporations and urban planners. We oppose the way that public space is being eroded and replaced by corporate profit making space."
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Stimulants (England)
" independent bookshop that thinks independently and keeps an interest and knowledge about what we stock."
Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness
"...we do not have a unified, utopian world-view, despite being anarchists. Not everyone wants to live in gift-based society, the same as not everyone wants to live under capitalism or communism."
SubRosa Project: A Community Space
"...a non-profit, donation-funded space in downtown Santa Cruz for art and radical projects run by a collective of volunteers from the local anarchist community. It offers anarchist books and literature, gourmet coffee, performance and a weekly open mic, gallery art by emerging local artists, and a garden courtyard social space."
Sunrise Anarchist Collective
"...once authority is snapped up by those who seek power, a hierarchy of power and privilege is established."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.