Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
organizations links
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Riot Folk
"We are an anti-profit mutual-aid collective of radical artists and musicians...."
Rise Up
"...provides mail, lists, and hosting for those working on liberatory social change."
Roberts Street Social Centre, The
"...a space for people to come together to share skills, knowledge, and resources. We support critical, creative projects and inspire social change through DIY (do it yourself), non-hierarchical, and consensus-based approaches. We aim to be active in our communities by collaborating with other groups and projects."
Rock Dove Collective
"...a radical community health exchange working to address the need for accessible and anti-oppressive health care in our communities."
Rogue Valley Independent Media Center (Oregon, USA)
" infrastructure for individuals interested in alternative media (including print, video, radio, and web) working with other members of the IMC to produce meaningful stories, stories relevant to our communities within this region."
Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre (Winnipeg, Canada)
"...'the Rocker' functions as both a gallery and multi-purpose venue for social, political, and cultural events of interest to the anarchist, activist, and wider Winnipeg community."
Samfunnspartiet (Society Party) (Norway)
"Samfunnspartiet er et norsk anarkistisk politisk parti grunnlagt i 1985 av Øystein M. Johannessen. Paritet bygger humanismens idealer."
Santa Cruz Anarchist Convergence (California, USA)
"...a four-day anarchist event for building community and resistance and sharing radical ideas. Anarchist Bookfair, FreeSkool Conference, Workshops, Speakers, Discussions, Music and Games."
Santa Cruz Indymedia (California, USA)
"Together, as media activists in Central and Northern California and throughout the world, we will use the tactic of Indymedia to share news and information from within the struggles for a world based on freedom, cooperation, justice and solidarity..."
Seattle Anarchist Book Fair (Washington State, USA)
"The initial Seattle Anarchist Book Fair four years ago came together to play a role in connecting and pushing the Seattle anarchist milieu into a forward momentum, creating more opportunities to communicate face to face and find one another. In the years following a lot has happened..."
Seattle Anarchist Book Fair
"The time for waiting is over! The issues we face in our communities are critical, and waiting on bosses and bureaucrats to fix them isn't working. We must organize and work together to set ourselves free."
Seattle Solidarity Network (Washington State, USA)
"...a volunteer network of working people who believe in standing up for our rights. Our goal is to support our fellow workers' strikes and struggles, build solidarity, and organize..."
Self Described Anarchist Collective (SDAC)
"...wishes to organize large actions that inspire others to become involved with the anarchist movement. Even if mass mobilizations do not create change by themselves, they provide an opportunity to inspire more people."
SelfEd Collective
"No such thing as a decent quality free lunch? Probably not, but A History of Anarcho-syndicalism is both free and (we hope) decent quality."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.