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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Anarchism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 58

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Proposal for a Regional Anarchist Federation, Oceania
"This is for discussion around forming a regional anarchist federation with regards to a proposal for such in Australia/Aotearoa/Oceania...."

Providence Anarchist Book Fair
"...organized as an opportunity to exchange anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas. The bookfair and all related street-fair activities are free to attend and open to the public."

Puget Sound Anarchists (Washington State, USA)
"Action, Anarchist Practice, Capitalism, class war, Demonstration, Mainstream Media, Police Prisoners, Reportback, Repression, Solidarity, The State..."

QueerMutiny (Brighton, Britain)
"We're a friendly DIY collective committed to fighting prejudice, linking up with other campaigns, learning from each other, creating alternatives and celebrating our queer selves."

QueerMutiny (Edinburgh, Britain)
"An alternative to Edinburgh's commercial gay scene - We are a DIY, non-hierarchical Collective."
http://www.queermutiny.tk/ ~ http://queermutiny.awardspace.com/

QueerMutiny (Leeds, Britain)
"...non-hierarchical d-i-y radical queer collective...."

Radical Anthropology Group (RAG) (London, England)
"...the implications of some forms of science are intrinsically radical, and this applies in particular to the theory that humanity was born in a social revolution."

Radical History Network of North East London (RaHN) (England)
"Essentially the group covers subjects that are 'local, topical or of special interest'. It is broadly libertarian socialist in outlook."

Radical Independent Book-fair Project (RIB)
"The project is self-financed by the participants, no public or corporate monies are involved, no one takes a wage, it is not party politically aligned and is autonomous from other organisations...."

RadicalLondon (London, England)
"...website of local Anarchist & Libertarian Community Groups..."

Radical Reference
"... a collective of volunteer library workers who believe in social justice and equality. We support activist communities, progressive organizations, and independent journalists..."

Radical Wales
"An independent platform for considered radical political analysis, commentary and discussion in Wales..."

rampART (London, England)
"It's strength as a gig venue has led to a bit of a party culture in terms of proposals, something that the collective is keen to keep in balance...."
http://www.rampart.co.nr/ ~ http://therampart.wordpress.com/

Rant Trainers Collective
"...to provide training, education, and information to local, national, and international organizations, groups, and individuals working for global peace and justice. We are consensus based, non-hierarchical and collectively oriented."

Reading Grassroots Action (United Kingdom)
"The structures of the state are only necessary when a minority try to rule over a majority and therefore it is the natural defender of capitalism and the enemy of freedom and equality...."

Rebel Press (New Zealand)
"We are also anarchist revolutionaries, and our choice of what to publish is strongly guided by an ethics and politics of social, economic and political change...."

Rebel Worker (Australia)
"We are a revolutionary labour movement that uses as its only means of struggle, direct action in all its forms - occupations, strikes, boycotts, sabotage, the general strike, etc. We are independent from all reformist and hierarchical unions and political parties..."

Red & Anarchist Action Network (Montana, USA)
"...a loose organization of autonomous individuals and collectives who subscribe to revolutionary anarchist and libertarian (that is, anti-state, anti-Leninist) communist ideals."

Red & Anarchist Action Network (RAAN)
"This collection represents a fluid history of the network's theoretical output, tracing its original collective writings in organized forums to the individual reports and hypotheses..."
http://www.redanarchist.org/ ~ http://groups.myspace.com/raan

Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) (Berlin/Brandenburg, Germany)
"...ist ein an der Straße orientiertes Netzwerk von linken und antifaschistischen Skinheadgruppen und ihren Anhängern, welches rote und anarchistische Punks, Mods, Hardcorekids, rude boys and rude girls und Hooligans miteinbezieht."

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