Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
organizations links
Why is this link directory maintained? So that people like you and I can find resources we need for creative, productive, and positive change in our world.
Pacific Street Films Projects (PSFP)
"...Anarchism into Guggenheim Fellowships in film (the pair were the youngest at the time to receive the honor), which resulted in the production of two films, FREE VOICE OF LABOR- THE JEWISH ANARCHISTS (1980) and ANARCHISM IN AMERICA (1982)."
PAD Social Centre, The (Cardiff, Wales)
"...a social and community space for groups and individuals who will not or cannot work within the constraints of government or corporate control."
Peace Communities
"The above photo is of many of our amazing and spectacular volunteers during the opening of our Arts Exhibit. Special thanks to Jamie Lee (center, white shirt) for being so kind as to host our Arts Exhibit during the Artswalk."
Peninsula Anarchist Collective (PAC)
"Anarchism is a term which encompasses a variety of political philosophies, social movements, and political ideologies that advocate the abolition of all forms of imposed or involuntary authority including social hierarchy and coercive power...."
Phoenix Anarchist Coalition (PAC)
"Everyone is welcome to come, if you just want to see what we do or get involved in a project, feel free to drop in...."
Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG): Steel City Revolt
" anarchist group based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our goal is the creation of a directly democratic, free society capable of maximizing human potential and freedom within a framework of collective responsibility, mutual-aid, and solidarity. In short...Anarchism."
Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG)
"Our goal is the creation of a directly democratic, free society capable of maximizing human potential and freedom within a framework of collective responsibility, mutual-aid, and solidarity. In short... Anarchism."
Poison-Oak Collective
"...the poetic, musical, and artistic expressions of anarchist movements around the world are a vital resource to the continued struggle for social justice."
Pokret za slobodu (Movement for Freedom) (Serbia)
"...organizacija koja podržava različite inicijative grupa i pojedinaca koji se dosledno i uporno bore za prava potčinjenih i ugroženih društvenih slojeva - radnika, seljaka, izbeglica."
Polinizaciones (Colombia)
"...un proyecto que trabaja con juventud urbana, rural e indígena en Colombia y otros países de la región que busca crear un espacio donde se puede interconectar y entender nuestras historias en el contexto de colonización, globalización, el Plan Colombia, el libre comercio e el IIRSA/Plan Puebla Panamá..."
Poortgebouw (Netherlands)
"Today, the name is equally connected to the collective of 30 inhabitants organised as members of an association (vereniging) established in 1982..."
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magón"
"...una organización indígena, social, democrática, formada por muchos pueblos. Nuestra fuerza esta en la capacidad de apoyarnos mutuamente. Somos independientes de todos los partidos políticos, legales o secretos y de las organizaciones e instituciones del gobierno."
Portland Anarchist Bookfair (Oregon, USA)
"The 2011 Portland Anarchist Bookfair! Taking place in the Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University. This is a free two day event for radicals and free thinkers of all kinds."
PostAnarchist Group for Research and Anarchism
"Postanarchism is in the center of discussions around the world today especially between radical intellectuals. It is a development of the structuralist school with traditional anarchism...."
Praska Anarchist Group, The (Warsaw, Poland)
"...a small collective from Warsaw which is part of the Anarchist Federation. We work on the local, regional and world-wide level in various fields of activity.."
Prisoner Support (Bristol ABC)
"We are in contact with a number of UK and international political and social prisoners, and related campaigns...."
Projekt Syndikat-A (Germany)
"Das Syndikat A ist ein anarcho-syndikalistischer Vertrieb und hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Broschüren, Bücher und Tonträger u.ä. mit unseren Ideen und Inhalten zu produzieren. Daneben bieten wir zu den verschiedensten Themen ein umfangreiches Buchsortiment an."
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The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.