Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
information links
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Active Distribution
"At the time, Swansea lacked an outlet where hungry minds turning to the Left could go to digest dense radical anarchist theory or find books with alternative historical and contemporary perspectives...."
A Festival
"The Revolution Will Not Be Bolshevized..."
Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action
"... a web-based journal that focuses on groups, movements, and communities that set out to construct sustainable alternatives to the racist, hetero-sexist, system of liberal-capitalist nation-states."
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Aforum (Turkish)
"Direniş: Devlete Karşı, Faşizme Karşı, Homofobi ve Ataerkiye Karşı, Hapishanelere Karşı, Hayvan Direnişleri, Anti-Militarizm..."
Aftershock Action Alliance
"Capitalism, Nation states and a culture of consumerism have conspired to make our planet more and more unstable. The fear inspired by disasters plays into the hands of those destroying people, animals and the planet for profit...."
Agence Presse Associative (APA) (French)
"A ceux / celles qui pensent que l'information et la solidarité sont des armes, pillez le site et diffusez la subversion. Sait-on jamais..."
Agile Anarchy
"The compassionate anarchist values his fellow humans on an equal footing, encourages emergent solutions, supports individual empowerment, and seeks to avoid dehumanization and marginalization...."
"In a market anarchist society, law and security would be provided by market actors instead of political institutions...."
"Anarchism is in the truest sense of the word, Peace. It is the abscence of coercion but not of duty..."
Aiming Further-Striking Better
"Our aim is to promote debate about anarchist theory and action in order to come up with better ways of carrying on with our struggle. Controversy is welcome as long as it is done in a respectful fashion..."
AKO - Anarchy Knowledge Online
"We encourage you to take the time to read through this site in it's entirety in order to better understand how anarchy plays a huge role in the world. Chances are, you'll learn something about anarchy you never knew before...."
AK Press (United Kingdom)
"Our site carries the details of over 3500 different books, magazines, pamphlets, journals, t-shirts and badges..."
AK Press
"AK Press is a worker-run collective that publishes and distributes radical books, visual and audio media, and other mind-altering material. We're small: a dozen people who work long hours for short money, because we believe in what we do. We're anarchists, which is reflected both in the books we provide and in the way we organize our business...."
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All American Anarchist
"I'm queer in the midwest United States. Anarchist in a red state. And atheist in a Catholic community. I try my best to not dwell on what separates us, however, and instead focus on what unites us."
Allan Antliff
"Anarchist Modernism, 2001, reprint 2007 | Only A Beginning, 2004 | Anarchy and Art, 2007..."
Alliance Journal
"...that no-one should have the desire or the means to oppress others and force others to work for them..."
Alternative Syndicalism
"Anarcho-syndicalists view labor unions as a potential force for revolutionary social change, replacing capitalism and the state with a new society self-managed by workers...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.