Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
information links
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Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade Homepage (MORC)
"Anarchism for the Global City; Radical Environmentalism for the Concrete Jungle; Esoteric Explorations of the Secret History of Rebel Culture; Every Tuesday at midnight, after the news, only on listener-supported; non-commercial WBAI, 99.5 FM in New York City...."
Morgenmuffel Zine
"I draw stuff I do. I like...anarchy, ecology, feminism, community, vegan cooking, beer, self defence, punk rawk,!"
Mormon Worker, The
" independent newspaper/journal devoted to Mormonism and radical politics."
Mostly Water
"Our goal is to try to provide a space for the activist community and others craving new perspectives, to share information relevant to understanding our world."
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Mujeres Zapatistas ~ Zapatista Women
"She meets March 8th with her face erased, and her name hidden. With her come thousands of women. More and more arrive...."
Murphy's Bye-Laws
"...a play on my name and my desire to eliminate stupid laws, a.k.a. all of them. The blog covers some politics, political philosophy, introspection, what-have-you."
Music Cops Resent
"I am a member (in good standing, with a membership card and all) of the longest running (defined by volume of meetings over time) anarchist group in North America. The Berkeley Anarchist Study Group has met every week for at least the past 14 years. I have been involved since the first conference that the..."
Musings of a Radical
"Politically active 18 year old male seeks interested blog readers to boost ego. All musical tastes considered. Close minded need not apply..."
"If you run a website or blog related in some way to causes of social-justice: a more equitable distribution of wealth, civil-liberties, etc., You are eligible for our free advertising service."
"...alternative social institutions are part of our common vision. But they are especially central to mutualists' evolutionary understanding."
Mutualist Alliance Blog
"Let's tackle a controversial question: Is mutualism a form of 'market anarchism'? It's a useful sort of question, even though the correct answer is probably 'that depends....'"
Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism
"...Dialectical Libertarianism, Thick Libertarianism, and Cultural Freedom; Front Porch Anarchists and Reactionary Radicals; Trotskyite Anarcho-Caps, Stirnerite Anarcho-Commies, Social Anarchists and Libertarian Socialists..."
My Anarchist Pilgrimage
"In this blog I will be piecing together plans for a tour, a kind of atheist's pilgrimage, to visit the places where two particularly famous anarchist characters lived, escaped from, erected barricades and discovered new geographies."
Mystical Anarchy
"This site is dedicated to mystical anarchy, particularly as articulated by gustav landauer. Please also see my blog entitled 'polyamory israel'..."
"This site contains musings and resources that are connected, in way or another, to building a radical movement and transforming society...."
Nestor Makhno Archive, The
"...dedicated to the Ukrainian anarchist, Nestor Ivanovich Makhno who was active in Ukraine during the Russian Revolution and in Paris from the mid-20's to the mid-30's."
"Arts, Counterculture, News, Web Directory"
Network 23
"If you want a blog get in touch with us. Let us know a couple of lines telling us now your project is working towards Freedom. Freedom of speech, Freedom of movement, Freedom of expression. Be that through political activism, musical, computer code, community or artistic projects, all are welcome...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.