Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
information links
Every category has ten or more recommended links, which are meant to be long-term, reliable sources. You can see them for information and organizations in the main page for that category. If you have an idea for adding or removing a link from one of these sections, let us know by clicking the "submit an idea" link!
Lair of Hunterbear
"This vast website is based on a long and continuing lifetime of direct, grassroots activist community organizing: Native rights, union labor, civil rights, civil liberties. There is also much on the American West...."
Last Word Blog
"Books are a gateway drug. It starts out innocent enough, reading C.S. Lewis and Tolkien. Soon you're reading harder stuff like Kerouac and Burroughs, and next thing you know you're strung out on Bukowski and DeSade, worrying about the Patriot Act and Free Speech...."
Last Word Books
"We champion freedom of speech, human rights and equality for all, advancements in literacy and education towards a self-aware and self-sufficient populace, a government that serves its citizenry, vigorous regulation of corporations..."
Latin American Activism
"...a writer, video maker, radio producer and translator. Based in Argentina, her work focuses on labor, human rights, community media and social movements in Latin America."
Left Bank Books (Seattle)
"...Collectively Owned and Operated by its Workers Since 1973..."
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Left Libertarian
"Many, if not most, left-libertarians envision a more decentralized human scale economy and a more egalitarian organization of society taking shape upon the removal of the myriad forms of state privilege..."
Left Turn
"We are committed to modeling the world we want to see by organizing collectively, democratically and without hierarchy, both internally and in the larger movement...."
"The definition of libertarian education from a left-wing perspective can be taken in two parts: the ends and the means...."
Libero International
"We will open the library of C.I.R.A.-Nippon to the public, especially to those who work or study for anti-authoritarianism, anti-statism, libertarianism and anarchism."
Libertad a los 14-A (Spanish)
"Este blog, ha sido creado como una herramienta de solidaridad con los -por ahora- 10 compañeros (que en su momento fueron 14) Secuestrados el 14 de Agosto del 2010,por el estado chileno en el margen de la persecución política llamada 'Caso bombas'...."
Libertad Jean Marc Rouillan (Spanish)
"No olvidemos a Puig Antich, ni a Jann-Marc Rouillan. No olvidemos a los cientos de miles de ejecutados por Franco. Ni tampoco a sus asesinos...."
Libertarian Labyrinth, The
" archive of anarchist and libertarian theory and history....."
Libertarian Socialism Discussion Bulletin
"...serves as the financially and politically independent forum of a relatively unknown sector of political thought that places the great divide in the 'left', not between anarchists and Marxists, but between capitalism's statist leftwing of vanguardists and social democrats..."
Libertario, El (The Libertarian) (Spanish)
"...un proyecto cooperativo y antiautoritario, sin fines de lucro, editado desde 1995 por un colectivo voluntario de amigos, amigas y compañeros y compañeras. Cada edición se imprime sin subsidios de ningún tipo y sin la publicación de avisos publicitarios comerciales."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.