Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian
information links
Thinking about creating a website with a .tk domain name? Well don't! The .tk hosting/domain service hijacks its users' websites after a few months to put ads on them!
Deepfall (DeepF411)
"My views on politics and reality have been enormously helped along by a fantastic community on YouTube putting together terrific videos on all areas of thought...."
"...for a world without cops or bosses..."
"Happy May Day! Imagining a better world on this revolutionary, sexual and fertile day! Remember, resistance is fertile! Solidarity workers of the world!"
Dictionnaire International Des Militants Anarchistes (French)
"...ont poursuivi leur chevauchée anonyme à la recherche d'un impossible rêve : un monde sans dieux ni maîtres. Ce dictionnaire était un vieux projet élaboré avec entre autres le compagnon et historien [René Bianco (1941-2005)], fondateur du CIRA de Marseille, lorsque nous rédigions les notices de militants anarchistes pour le Dictionnaire biographique du mouvement ouvrier français..."
Digger Archives
" ongoing Web project to preserve and present the history of the anarchist guerilla street theater group that challenged the emerging Counterculture of the Sixties..."
Digital Elephant
"Elephant Editions digital laboratory..."
Direct Action (UK)
"... is an organisation of workers which seeks to destroy capitalism and the state. Capitalism because it exploits, oppresses and kills people, and wrecks the environment for profit worldwide."
Directionless Bones
"The political views implied by the reading so far appear to be anarchist, communist, feminist, and animal rights-ist. Anti-racism and anti-imperialism come up from time to time."
Direkt Aktion (Germany)
" eine anarchosyndikalistische Zeitung, d.h. sie spiegelt mit ihren Themen und Meinungen den spezifischen Ansatz der Freien ArbeiterInnen-Union (FAU) wider. Kurz gesagt, sie ist eine Gewerkschaftszeitung...."
Disaccords: An anarchist news blotter following events in Australia & Indonesia
"By choosing to report an incident here, we make no claims as to the (political) motivations of any actors. We just want to amplify the news of incidents that shatter, however briefly, the myth of consensus and social peace, and show that various forms of resistance are possible - are present - here."
"Multinational Libertarian Review..."
Division by Zer0, A
"Oh Gawds, when Chomsky puts his mind to remind us of US history, the result is very depressing, even if one is aware of it beforehand...."
"...becoming the change we wish to see and helping others to do the same. Not through top down enforcement, but through people working together, a model of cooperation, not competition."
Dr. Richard J White
"With the rise of Occupy Wall Street, which was initiated by anarchists and people inspired by anarchist politics, people might ask the perfectly logical question: 'What do anarchists have to offer us in place of capitalism and the state?'"
"Official Artist Site..."
Eabha The Kiwi
"This site chronicles the life of Eabha ('Eh'+'Va'), age four. Photos and stories about this anti-authoritarian toddler and her anti-authoritarian 'Dadad'..."
Eagainst: Autonomy against Barbarism
"...a non-profit - independent from political parties and organizations - multilingual blog. Its world view is familiarized mainly with the idea of autonomy and promotes the values of self-organization, collectivity, social justice and humanitarianism."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.