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Christie Books
"Too many chiefs, not enough anarchists..."

Circled A, The: Turn on, Tune in & Kick off!
"Yodet Gherez, me, presents a radio show on Resonance FM every week with different guests. Topics range from Libya to Anti EDL mobilizations to Global warming. I intend to explain things from an Anarchist's point view."

"Our aim is the social struggle for dignity, life without poverty and war, without borders and killings; our aim is to join in this struggle all 'excluded' or 'different' people. We fight against: racism, fascism, capitalism, any system that oppress or exploits people...."

Class War (UK) [1]
"Class Unity, Class Pride"
http://www.classwaruk.org/ ~ http://www.londonclasswar.org/

Class War (UK) [2]
"Real change can only come about by working class people organising themselves to deal with the problems that they experience and to provide for ourselves...."

Collective Book
"...a handbook for group process for egalitarian collectives."

Comeradshaw's Blog
"Anarchism is more than an opposition to the State and Capital; we've done a poor job at articulating this at great measure. Even in many published, historical overviews of anarchism, it's often reduced to being against government, or anti-statism."

Comité de Resistencia Clasista (Spanish)
"Aqui estaremos colocando los volantes, periódicos y comunicados del Comité de Resistencia Clasista, así como noticias de interés para trabajadoras y trabajadores...."

Commune, The
"...for workers' self-management and communism from below..."
http://thecommune.wordpress.com/ ~ http://www.thecommune.co.uk/

Communemedia +
"I originally come out of the Anarchist movement and became really interested in things like eco-anarchism and social ecology more than 15 years ago...."

Communiqués from Occupied California: After the Fall is Now
"Collecting the major statements from the recent wave of occupations, After the Fall is a love letter to the insurgent students and workers on California campuses. It is intended to spark excitement and discussion and we encourage students and others to use After the Fall to mobilize forces ahead of the March 4th offensive."

Communist Anarchist Blogs
"...blogs from self-identified anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, anarcha-feminists, anarchists without adjectives, libertarian-socialists, autonomists and other assorted anti-statists."

"...to provide information which will delight, excite and inform..."

"This is a blog about computer stuff, poetry, activism, gender, and translation - not necessarily in relation to each other. Whatever I'm thinking about that's very thinky. It evolved from my original web site, 'Bookmania!'..."

Confrontation: Social Conflict Across Canada
"The corporate media is the voice of the cops and bosses, so read it with caution. This blog is for entertainment only and does not encourage or condone any illegal activity...."

Conscious Organ, A
"We run an always-expanding shoebox distro, format anarchist and communist texts in an aesthetically pleasing manner, report on local crimes that are more so actions of the imaginary party..."

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
"For the total destruction of prisons! For the freedom of our comrades war prisoners! For the abolition of private property! For uncontrollable and constant attack against the State/Capital!"

Contemporary Anarchist
"There has been a proposal made by various people who are active within the anti-capitalist, anti-globalisation or alternative globalisation movements for a non sectarian anarchist international. This proposal has been discussed in various contexts and we include here a draft text for comment and discussion...."

Continual War
"...originally a publication from the Northwest. The idea was to create a publication that was specifically a list of action reports along the West Coast, which was consciously trying to contribute to the social war."

"...a permanent, searchable repository of complaints filed against police officers."

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