Government Uses Religion to Pacify, Disarm, and Control Any Resistance to Tyranny

Title :
Government Uses Religion to Pacify, Disarm, and Control Any Resistance to Tyranny
Artwork ID :
Date Created :
7 June, 2013
Date Uploaded :
Fri., 07 June, 2013. 18:51:31, Time Zone: America/Chicago (CDT).
Tags :
Skull (22), Hands (11), Puppet (2), Ventriloquist (1), Pyramid (2), Eye (10), Dollar Sign (11), Yen Sign (2), Euro Sign (2), Dollar (3), Yen (2), Euro (2), String (2), Strings (2), Monkey (2), Chimps (1), Monkeys (1), Star Of David (1), Cross (2), Crescent Moon (1), Dharma Wheel (1), Buddhism (1), Judaism (1), Christianity (2), Islam (1), Sheep (3), No Gods (3), No Masters (3), No Gods No Masters (1), Planet (10), Earth (11), Globe (12), Africa (3), Curtain (1), Stage Curtain (1), Barcode (5), Suit (31), Tie (20), Copyright (2), Circled C (2), Circled A (37), A (23), C (1), Anarchy (41), Anarchism (24), Anarchist (12)
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