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  • Communism and Capitalism are the Same Thing: A Story

    The Philosopher Between the Capitalist and the Communist

    Chapter 7 : Leave Behind Civilization

    By Punkerslut

    Image by Lonely_Freak, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 License
    Image: By Lonely_Freak, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 License

    Start Date: February 18, 2014
    Finish Date: October 21, 2014

          "I despise the Communists!" ~ "I loathe the Capitalists!" ~ "I hate the Commies!" ~ "I detest the Cappies!" The opinions of Greek and Babylonian kings had never matched up, but they were each increasingly making reference to the other in their speeches -- they were each increasingly talking about the other when making war preparations with generals. The animosity had reached a seething point of intensity when Solon told his people, "It is better to hate the Capitalists than it is to be a Communist!" with Hammurabi reiterating a similar statement at Babylon.

         It was at this point that Emma and Benjamin both made up their own minds by themselves to leave behind their homes. The Anarcho-Communist left the home of the Communists; and the Anarcho-Capitalist left the home of the Capitalists. Emma left traveling east, Benjamin left traveling north, her following a random impulse, him listening spontaneously to instinct. Like scarab beetles following starlight, they each followed their own inner light.

    Image by Steve.Jackson, CC BY-ND 2.0 License
    Image: By Steve.Jackson, CC BY-ND 2.0 License

         Emma strolled past Thessaloniki, waving goodbye to the smiling young children who walked with her to the city edges. Benjamin gave good wear to his sandals as he walked through Beirut, making conversation in the taverns and meeting sailors with thick, Cyprus accents. Emma adored the beauty and simplicity of Istanbul; Benjamin couldn't even speak with the residents of Adana in Turkey. She reached a constantly-moving social world at Ankara, he reached the perfect stillness and absolutely quiet at Lake Tuz. As she breathed in, the pollen she smelled was also reaching his nose. As he pulled his hands from the lake, the salt crystals were the same as those in the air vapor that caught up and tangled her hair.

         Emma was only a few miles south of Ankara and Benjamin only a few miles north of Lake Tuz. One breaking through the brush, the other walk over the tall grasses in their way. Then her walking was within distance of his hearing, just as he soon was within distance of her sight.

    Image by Dan Patterson, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 License
    Image: By Dan Patterson, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 License

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