The Archive of Inactive Websites
for the Atheism Organizations Directory
Rationalism, and Freethought
organization links

Image: By Viktorvoigt, Edited by Punkerslut,
Released Under Creative Commons
"Attribution ShareAlike 3.0" License
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Atheism Link Portal?
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Kolektiv D.B.P.D. (DBPD Collective) (Russia)
"...kao kolektiv radikalno leve orijentacije, je osnovao Odsek za borbu protiv organizovane religije, koji izdavanjem ovog lista želi da propagira slobodu izbora, kriti?ko mišljenje i borbu protiv svih pokušaja da se ljudski um zatvori u bilo koji oblik dogme."
Movimiento Humanisto Evolucionario Cubano (MHEC) (Humanist Evolution Movement of Cuba)
"...promueve la máxima difusión y la aplicación integral del humanismo, para beneficio de los cubanos, su nación y la humanidad en general. ¡Es gigantesco lo que hay por hacer! pero ¡tenemos todo lo necesario para hacerlo!"
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.