The Machines of Tyranny By Punkerslut
In every dictatorship, in every monarchy and despotism, the people cry out for liberty. They crowd into the streets, they distribute illegal newspapers and pamphlets, and they organize criminal assemblies to educate the people about the truth. And when the citizen rises for their freedom, they are beaten down. When the individual demands a right to society, they are imprisoned. When we ask for freedom of speech, for the right to associate with whom we want, for the right to a clean earth, safe working conditions, enough pay to feed our families -- when we make our demands, we are attacked by the government. They might rely on wiretapping and eavesdropping, prisons and jails, the death chamber and the gallows, and any form of legitimized violence. But when the protester is beaten back, when the thinker is imprisoned, when the philosopher is made a criminal... it is all done with the baton of the police officer.
In the prisons, they were the guards who locked up Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Gandhi. And in the streets, they were the ones who attacked and brutalized non-violent protesters The people are just asking for the right to be heard, to express their grievances to the world. Then they are attacked, kicked, handcuffed, pepper-sprayed, tazered, and exposed to biting dogs. This is the reputation of the police. They are the force of violence that defends state power.
Even in the United States and Europe, "where Democracy is in bloom," the police are still used for this purpose. They intimidate crowds, threaten picketers, and antagonize the common people. They could be tracking down a rapist, or going after burglars, or stopping violent offenders of some type. But no, they're out in full force in the streets, using every bit of force to push back those who want their liberty. It is a shock just to realize the truth of it! "Wait, so... the police could have investigated a rape case, and brought a rapist to justice. But instead, they went and attacked a crowd of demonstrators?" Yes. Instead of stopping murder, they went after prostitutes and pimps. Instead of stopping corporate crime, they went after workers on picket lines.
This is the police officer -- they'll yawn and scratch their backs when your child turns up missing. But when you're out in the streets, reading to demand your liberty, don't ever doubt their force! Their will throw you against a wall, kick you to the ground, pull your arms behind your back with their knee in your elbow -- and the demand that you stop resisting. This is the police, and they are not attacking burglars, rapists, or murderers. They are attacking you!! Under a king or a president, the police attack the people who demand their rights to life and freedom. It has been the demand for bread, fair wages, civil rights, and free association. Whether elected or not, they will use force against those who want their freedom. And this force, is always a machine of tyranny. It is always the police.