Standard of Beauty By Punkerslut
And when I say to create your own, I don't mean to lower your expectations when judging beauty. If you only become less judgmental of others, you would still be going along with what society teaches as beautiful and ugly. You would be satisfied with achieving whatever level of beauty you had resigned yourself to -- and not creating your own standard of beauty. When you change how you measure attraction, start and end where you individually desire. You are no longer dependent upon what the majority of news outlets have impressed upon you. You're not changing how much "beauty" you require in a partner, or how much "ugliness" is considered unacceptable. You're changing what you define as beautiful and ugly.
With your own standard, you will be personally writing the definition of 'gorgeous' and 'homely'. Choose what you are innately drawn to -- choose what is naturally attractive to you. It could be a facial hair or mustache, it could be legs or skin; there could be any attribute or detail that arouses you. You should know and understand your impulses. Then you can craft a measurement of beauty that is personally satisfying -- a view that provides guidance and confidence in your life decisions. It is better that you are happy with what you want, than you are with being pushed into something that society wants you to be. If you are the independent individual, then all of life's experiences will be open to you. All of the exquisite joys and wonderful cravings of human existence will bring you to extreme joy. But if you spend years and years fighting it, ashamed of your desires, then you will have lost -- because that is time you will never get back to be happy.
If you are happy with being attracted to what you want, then you will have reached your highest form of expression. You will be able to love and admire freely, letting your passions directly form your culture and lifestyle. You will not need to interpret or reinterpret feelings, to gage and weight this or that beauty. You will not be forced into false standards of what is attractive or unattractive -- you will be guided only by what you are naturally attracted to; lead and supported by what most quickly and powerfully causes you to reach ecstasy. What is it then, that you should form your standard of beauty around? What should you value as beauty and ugly, as ecstatic and ordinary, as amazing and uninteresting? Only you can know, because only you feel the desires. And more importantly, only you suffer or benefit by how you react to them. If you reject them, then you will spend years isolated and uncertain. But if you embrace and accept them, then you be free in your hopes, your desires, and life. Make your own standard of beauty, and be free of what society expects you to like or dislike.