Communism, and Collectivism
organizations links

Image: From "No capitalisme" Gallery, from PeaceLibertad blog
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Кoммуниcтичecкaя пapтия Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции (KPRF) (Russia)
"...вeлa бecкoмпpoмиccную бopьбу пpoтив pecтaвpaции кaпитaлизмa, paзpушeния Coюзa CCP и уничтoжeния Coвeтcкoй влacти. КПPФ выcтупaeт eдинcтвeннoй пoлитичecкoй opгaнизaциeй, пocлeдoвaтeльнo oтcтaивaющeй пpaвa людeй нaёмнoгo тpудa и нaциoнaльнo-гocудapcтвeнныe интepecы. тpaтeгичecкaя цeль пapтии - пocтpoeниe в Poccии..."
Лeвый Фpoнт (Left Front) (Russia)
"B cлoжившихcя пoлитичecких уcлoвиях нa лeвыe cилы лoжитcя ocoбaя oтвeтcтвeннocть. Mы дoлжны пpeдлoжить oбщecтву убeдитeльную пepcпeктиву paдикaльных дeмoкpaтичecких и coциaльных пepeмeн в интepecaх бoльшинcтвa...."
الاشتراكية الثورية (Arabic)
"ارتفعت رايات الطلاب الاشتراكين الثوريين اليوم أمام كلية أداب التابعه لجامعة دمياط لتدشين معرض تحت اسم (خبرات ثورية) يتضمن المعرض العديد من تاريخ الثورات العالمية كـــ (الروسية _الإسبانية _ الفرنسية) لطرح النقاش أمام طلبة الكلية."
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ALP Abroad
"Australian Labor's International Supporters' Network for the over one million Australians who live, work and study overseas...."
American Socialist Party, The (Texas, USA)
"How can socialists in Texas help? Texas socialists can file within Texas their own non-profit and seek legal ballot status to expand your - on the ground - political objectives."
American Weil Society
" promote scholarly discussion of the thought of Simone Weil, issues important for understanding her thought and issues on which her thought bears, and to promote interest in her thought."
Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne (APK) (Denmark)
"Vi har stiftet Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne. Vi er fast besluttede på at bygge til op til at blive det kommunistiske parti for det 21. århundrede. Arbejderklassens kommunistiske parti. Det socialistiske Danmarks kommunistiske parti."
"...for democratic control of financial markets and their institutions..."
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Australian Fabian Society
"...a central part of democratic socialist, social-democratic and Labor tradition thoughout the 20th century in Britain, and the Australian Fabians in Australia since 1947."
C.L.R. James Institute, The
" archive and resource center dedicated to documenting C.L.R. James, the people, circles, and movements with which he was associated, and subjects of relevance to James Studies. The Institute has a mission and underlying philosophy that encompasses much more than James."
Catholic Worker Movement
"On May 1, 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression, The Catholic Worker newspaper made its debut with a first issue of twenty-five hundred copies...."
Chicago Socialist Party (CSP)
" independent, democratic socialist organization that supports numerous progressive, radical causes in an effort to help build a broad-based, multi-tendency progressive movement."
Christian Socialist Party of USA
"The only solution for USA is a Christian Socialist Party in the US government with the economic system of nationalization of all giant corporations under workers' ownership, and the real christian teachings of Jesus Christ of loving all humans, staying away from corruption and sin, and to share wealth and love with our neighbors...."
Colectivos de Jóvenes Comunistas (CJC) (Spain)
"Para defender nuestros derechos e intereses en cualquier reivindicación justa, por mínima que ésta sea, es necesario organizarse colectivamente en base a unos principios, a unas ideas que materialicemos consecuentemente en luchas concretas que nos sirvan para avanzar día a día hacia nuestros objetivos."
Collectif SMOLNY, Le (French)
"L'association SMOLNY a pour objet de favoriser une réappropriation collective des idées et contributions essentielles de l'histoire politique et sociale du mouvement ouvrier...."
The Revolution and Social Justice Link-Directory:
Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.