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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Racism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 30

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3 Counties Anti-Fascist Alliance (3CAFA)
"...network of anti-fascists based in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. We exist to confront fascist activity and organisation wherever it may occur within our region."

40th Anniversary Commemoration Committee of the Chicano Moratoriums
"...formed in the summer 2009 by the Chair of the National Chicano Moratorium Committee of August 29, 1970 along with two independent Chicano Movement historians whom although not of the baby boomer generation, have become inspired by the Movimiento."

Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (English / עברית / عربي)
"...an independent human rights organization and legal center. Established in November 1996, it works to promote and defend the rights of Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, numbering 1.2 million people or close to 20% of the population..."

Adopted and Fostered Adults of the African Diaspora (AFAAD)
"...the first international nonprofit organization of its kind that brings together adult adoptees and fosters care alums from across the global African diaspora. Who is AFAAD? AFAAD is one of the first adoptee led organizations specifically for adoptees and foster alums of African descent."

African American Policy Forum (AAPF)
"Our objective is to facilitate the development of effective counter-narratives to the conventional wisdom of the media, so as to capture the values of inclusion, equity and structural justice in public policy debates...."

Aktion Courage (Germany)
"Manche haben ihn ohne weiteres gefunden. Some have found it without difficulty. Vielen wird es schwer gemacht, viele tun sich selbst schwer. Zu viele werden bei uns mißachtet und unwürdig behandelt...."

Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere (AWARE) - Los Angeles (California, USA)
"...an alliance of white anti-racist people working together to combat racism within ourselves, local communities, and the world. We collectively develop our anti-racist practice and tools for nurturing anti-racist practice among white people and working in transformative alliance with people of color."

Alta Califas Sur M.E.Ch.A. Region
"M.E.Ch.A. is not just a Mexican organization. The term Chicana/o is a term based on cultural, social, and political consciousness. Therefore, it is grounded on a philosophy NOT a nationality. M.E.Ch.A. is inclusive of ALL RAZA (irrespective of nationality, sexual orientation and gender)..."

American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
"Defending the civil rights of all people of Arab heritage..."

American Civil Rights Institute (ACRI)
"...assisting organizations in other states with their efforts to educate the public about racial and gender preferences, assisting federal representatives with public education on the issue, and monitoring implementation and legal action in California, Washington, Florida, Michigan..."

American Indian Cultural Support (AICS)
"Our continuing goals are to make the public aware of the needs of our people and the injustices which attempt to strip away our sovereignty, cultures and lands. To increase public awareness of demeaning Mascots used by the media and sports industry and to affect changes in these areas."

American Indian Movement: Grand Governing Council (AIM-GGC)
"Things will never be same again and that is what the American Indian Movement is about...They are respected by many, hated by some, but they are never ignored...They are the catalyst for Indian Sovereignty..."

American Institute for Managing Diversity (AIMD)
"Providing pioneering and creative thinking on the issues of diversity and diversity management and serving as the desired destination for individuals and organizations around the world seeking access to a comprehensive array of resources on cutting-edge perspectives and approaches to diversity...."

Anti-Racism & Diversity Committee, The (ARDC)
"The undoing of racism is clearly an enormous and ongoing task, yet one to which our denomination, the Unitarian Universalist Association (see www.UUA.org), has whole-heartedly dedicated itself."

Anti-Racism Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago (ARC-Chicago)
"We are committed to eradicating systemic racism by achieving full participation of people of color for equity in policy-making, decision making, programming and staffing on local, diocesan and national levels to raise up a people..."

Anti-Racist Action (ARA) Network
"... to expose, oppose, and confront hate in whatever form threatens the diversity and safety of our communities. We are dedicated to building a fun, diverse, liberated and explicitly anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobic youth culture."
http://www.antiracistaction.org/ ~ http://www.antiracistaction.us/

Anti-Racist Action (ARA-NC) (North Carolina, USA)
"...an international movement of people dedicated to stopping racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and religious bigotry from harming our communities."

Anti-Racist Action Calgary (ARA) (Canada)
"Our rally last year was successful and was held to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racism, to denounce the continued presence of racist gangs in our community, to bring attention to systemic racism, and finally to celebrate our diversity...."

Anti-Racist Action Los Angeles (ARA-LA/PART) (California, USA)
"...a grassroots anti-racist group, fighting against white supremacy, repression, colonialism and imperialism, and for liberation, decolonization, the earth and a classless society free of exploitation and oppression."

Anti-Racist Alliance: Undoing Structural Racism in Our Lifetime!
"...a movement for racial equity. We are an organizing collective of human service practitioners and educators whose vision is to bring a clear and deliberate anti-racist structural power analysis to social service education and practice."

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