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Center for Progressive Leadership (CPL)
"...a national civic training institute that develops diverse leaders who can effectively advance progressive political and policy change."

Center for Social Justice, The (CSJ)
"...to build strategic relationships with and between diverse communities and organizations who are committed to addressing human rights and social justice issues and working towards building a more just society."

Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP)
"... a public policy, research and technical assistance organization. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., CSSP works with state and federal policymakers and with communities across the country."

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)
"...one of the nation's premier policy organizations working at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and moderate-income families and individuals."

Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice (CJCJ)
"Our direct service programs demonstrate how alternatives to incarceration can be successful, not only in reducing overburdened correctional facilities, but also in reducing recidivism rates."

Central Committee for Conscientous Objectors (CCCO)
"We've been in operation since 1948. Our services - helping military personnel in trouble, educating the public about militarism and supporting individual and collective efforts to stop the spread of militarism - have not gone out of fashion...."

Centre for Research on Globalisation, The (CRG)
"...publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focussing on social, economic, strategic and environmental processes."

Centre for Social Innovation (CSI)
"...a social enterprise with a mission to catalyze social innovation in Toronto and around the world. We believe that society is facing unprecedented economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges."

Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company
"The company's story begins improbably enough with the birth of Charles Hope Kerr to abolitionist parents living in LaGrange, Georgia just before the start of the Civil War. According to some accounts, the Kerrs used the Underground Railroad, designed to transport fugitive slaves, to beat a hasty retreat from the South...."

Chatham Student Activism Blog
"A union representative was on campus today to talk with staff about bargaining on Monday. As she approched the workers, 3 Chatham police cars pulled up. Chatham police said they had orders to remove the union representative from the campus..."

Chicago Coalition for the Homeless
"We organize and advocate to prevent and end homelessness because we believe housing is a human right in a just society...."

Citizens' Campaign for Commercial-Free Schools, The (CCCS) (Seattle, Washington State, USA)
"...a statewide grassroots, nonprofit organization based in Seattle, Washington. Our mission: Protecting the right of Washington children and youth to a commercial-free education"

Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG)
"A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corporaterrorism, and the New World Order..."

Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ)
"...to give ordinary people a greater voice in the development of tax laws. Against the armies of special interest lobbyists for corporations and the wealthy..."

Città Invisibile, La (The Invisible City) (Italy)
"... un'associazione interamente basata su Internet che si impegna con progetti e iniziative per il libero accesso alle informazioni e l'utilizzo democratico delle tecnologie della rete. La Città Invisibile contribuisce a creare progetti per il cambiamento."

Civic Media Center (CMC) (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
"If you have realized that the news you get from the mainstream media isn't really comprehensive or even truthful, and that a lot of news and views are filtered out of mainstream media outlets, libraries, and thus, public debate, then you've found a home. We are one of the few alternative libraries in the U.S...."

Civic Media Center (CMC) (Gainesville, Florida, USA)
"If you have realized that the news you get from the mainstream media isn't really comprehensive or even truthful, and that a lot of news and views are filtered out of mainstream media outlets, libraries, and thus, public debate, then you've found a home."

"...dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society throughout the world."

CLASP: Policy Solutions That Work For Low-Income People
"...a trusted resource, a creative architect for systems change, and one of the country's most effective voices for low income people."

Coalition Against Israel Apartheid Network (CAIA)
"We believe Israel is an apartheid state that resembles South African Apartheid. Palestinian citizens of Israel are denied from controlling and developing over 90% of land because they are Palestinian...."

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