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information links

From Peace Libertad Blog
Image: From "No war" Gallery,
from PeaceLibertad blog

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The current Featured Link for Spreading the Truth is Headwaters Forest : "...the last large unprotected ancient redwood ecosystem left in the U.S. when Texas corporate raider Charles Hurwitz took over Pacific Lumber Company, raiding the company's pension plan, selling off its assets, and doubling the logging in the forest so he could pay back his junk bonds debt." -- Find similar and related links in the Environmentalism, Green, and Eco-Friendly Directory.
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"...began as an informal email list in the days before blogging to update friends and family on my work as an activist. My blog evolved into a mix of reflections on my life, spirituality, current events, and the activist work done by myself and others."

1 Billion Hungry
"1,000,000 people live in chronic hunger and I'M MAD AS HELL."

1 World Communication
"... dedicated to bringing news, information, and opinions on the critical issues of our times, by activists and journalists from countries in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and the Caribbean."

2 eyes open
"...let's get into it a little bit, the revolutionary politics of staying with and leaving organizations."

הכל שקרים (All Lies) (Hebrew)
".היום קשה להבדיל בין אמת לשקר. כבר אי אפשר לדעת מה לחשוב"

Accuracy in Academia
"...wants schools to return to their traditional mission-the quest for truth."

Accuracy in Media (AIM)
"For Fairness, Balance and Accuracy in News Reporting"

ACL Books (Anchorage, Alaska, USA)
"Our aim is to provide education and resources on a variety of topics, including communitarian philosophy, community law, international law, the Hegelian dialectic, globalization, sustainable development, Local Agenda 21, and many others."

Act.Ly: Tweet Change
"Petitions catching fire..."

"...a modern social movement utilizing science and philosophy to help create a better understanding of the world and find solutions to some of our current problems."

"Alt. Media, Cyber Rights, Cypherpunks, Anonymity, Ban Spam, Cryptography, Environment, Government, Watchdogs, Health, Peace, NVCD, Privacy, Sexuality, Think List, Think Archives, 9:11 Response, The Drug War, Yet More Links..."

ActivismNetwork.org: Tools for Activists
"This website shall strengthen progressive social movements around the world through the sharing of contacts, event information, ideas and resources. We want to help you win! The Activism Network team created this website to empower *YOU*...."

Activist Post
"Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming..."

"...turn the drab number cruncher you're staring at right now into the most versatile activist tool..."

"...to broaden the public interest community's presence on the multi-media web."

Against the Current
"Resources, Newspapers, NZ Blogs..."

Agitator, The
"...a former policy analyst with the Cato Institute, now a senior editor for Reason magazine, where I'm an award-winning investigative reporter covering criminal justice and civil liberties."

Albion Monitor
"The News You're Missing..."
http://www.albionmonitor.com/ ~ http://www.monitor.net/

All Power To The Positive!
"Art, culture, history, politics, philosophy, science, martial arts, hip-hop, and humor for the relative FEW (meaning YOU) who seek a greater understanding of the world around us and how to make it a better place for all."

Alternative Radio (AR)
"...a weekly one-hour public affairs program offered free to all public radio stations in the U.S., Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia, and on short-wave on Radio for Peace International."

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Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.

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