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Subject Directory >> Child Abuse
Child Abuse,
and Child Neglect

web directory

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Image: "Falcon Silhouette," from Wikimedia

Image By C. Feezel
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Image By C. Feezel
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Why is there a notice at the bottom of every page pointing out that none of the links are endorsed? The reason for this is because we would not want to take credit for what others are doing or may do in the future. Some websites may have both good and objectionable material, but why should we take so much time to make this decision for every link? Instead, we leave it up to the conscience of the reader to decide for themselves.

Child Abuse, and Child Neglect Information Links

Total Links for Child Abuse Information: 78

broken link directory
View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Child Abuse Information Directory
Total Archived Links: 27

Child Abuse, and Child Neglect Organization Links

Total Links for Child Abuse Organizations: 182

broken link directory
View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Child Abuse Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 4

Top Information Links

[ View All Information Links ]

Child Abuse: Statistics, Research, and Resources
"Statistics, Research, and Resources For Recovery..."

PANdora's Box
"Child protection and abuse prevention information..."
http­://w­ww.p­reve­nt-a­buse­-now­.com­/ ~­ htt­p://­www.­prev­ent-­abus­e-no­w.co­m/in­dex.­htm ­~ ­http­://w­ww.p­reve­ntab­usen­ow.c­om/ ­~ ­http­://w­ww.p­reve­ntab­usen­ow.c­om/i­ndex­.htm

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)
"...promotes scholarly exchange among researchers in the child maltreatment field."

"Learning and understanding are also key compenents in fight against child abuse, here we offer a wide variety of articles, news letters and learning material. Read, learn, and join in the fight against child abuse...."

This Child's Journey
"I am my present, past and future..."

Child Abuse Effects
"My name is Darlene Barriere. I am a violence and abuse prevention educator...."

Pinwheels for Prevention
"...introducing the pinwheel as the new symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention nationwide."

Report Child Abuse
"If you suspect child abuse please call (in the USA)..."

Save Our Children - Stop Child Abuse
"The health and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility..."
http­://w­ww.e­fn.o­rg/~­scan­/hom­e.ht­ml ­~ ­http­://w­ww.e­fn.o­rg/~­scan­/

America's Unknown Child
"...the Boy in the Box Mystery..."

Top Organization Links

[ View All Organization Links ]

Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)
"...a powerful coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies serving vulnerable children and families since 1920. Our expertise, leadership and innovation on policies, programs, and practices help improve the lives of millions of children in all 50 states."

Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America)
"...has led the way in building awareness, providing education and inspiring hope to everyone involved in the effort to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation's children."

International Child Abuse Network (ICAN)
"Everyone at Yes ICAN would like to express our gratitude to the Alafi Family Foundation for their wonderful and generous donation to Yes ICAN!"

"...a leading national non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect."

National Association to Protect Children
"...pro-child, anti-crime membership association..."
http­://w­ww.p­rote­ct.o­rg/ ­~ ­http­://w­ww.c­area­ct.o­rg/

Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA)
"...an international self-help support group program designed specifically for adult survivors of neglect, physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse."

Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA)
"...helps children and their families overcome the traumatic effects of child abuse, especially in child molestation."

National Exchange Club Foundation
"Strengthening Families, Building Communities, Serving America..."

Parents Anonymous
"...the nation's oldest child abuse prevention organization, dedicated to strengthening families and building caring communities that support safe and nurturing homes for all children."

Boys Town
"Every year, hundreds of thousands of children are abused and neglected. Like numbers suffer emotional or behavioral disorders, leaving parents confused and frustrated...."

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Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.

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