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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Anarchism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 58

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Common Struggle / Lucha Común
"...a bi-lingual (English and Spanish) organization of revolutionaries from the northeastern region of North America who identify with the communist tradition within anarchism. We oppose all forms of oppression and exploitation, and struggle for a classless, stateless, non-hierarchical society."

"...a Norwegian-based journal and a publishing house advancing the vision of a direct democratic, free and ecological society, and providing thoughts and ideas on radical activism."

Community Action Lewisham (CAL)
"...a new group for anyone who thinks that people and communities should come together to take action for themselves on the things that affect them."

Community Action Trajectory (CAT) (Australia)
"...a collective/ network which takes inspiration from and aligns itself with the ideas of anarchism, syndicalism and anti-colonialism, basing itself on principles of self-management, free-association, direct-action, mutual aid, solidarity, social responsibility, and approaching social change from below."
http://www.ibcat.tk/ ~ http://s2.webstarts.com/ibcat/

Confédération Nationale du Travail - Association Internationale des Travailleurs (CNT-AIT) (French)
"Adresses des syndicats..."

Confederação Operária Brasileira (COB-AIT) (Brazilian Workers Confederation)
"...é associada a Associação Internacional dos Trabalhadores, a grande organização de luta dos oprimidos e explorados em todo mundo, junte-se a nós!"

Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) (General Confederation of Labor) (Spain)
"...de clase, autónoma, autogestionaria, federalista, internacionalista y libertaria."
http://www.cgt.org.es/ ~ http://www.cgt.es/

Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) - Catalonia (General Confederation of Labor) (Spain)
"...és una organització seguidora de les idees llibertàries i anarcosindicalistes. El nostre objectiu passa per la defensa quotidiana dels interessos dels treballadors i treballadores davant la patronal, en el camí d'una societat més justa, solidària i lliure."

Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles (CLAC) (Français/English) (Montréal, Canada)
"An anti-capitalist convergence was held in Montreal in January 2010 to organise a response to this new offensive, orchestrated by government, in the context of the elite's economic downturn, which ultimately impoverishes us all...."

Cop Watch LA (California, USA)
"...tired of being harassed by the police? Then patrol the police!"

Counteract Collective
"...a press and distro of hand-printed radical art. We screenprint custom patches, too!"

Cowley Club, The (United Kingdom)
"The club is collectively owned and run as a base for those involved in grassroots social change and those sympathetic to such activities..."

CPC Convergence Direct Action Bloc
"Enough! You have bitten the hand that fed you for the last time. Fightback!"

Cream City Collectives (CCC) (Milwaukee, WI)
"...a social center that houses a number of collectives including the Screen Printing Collective, the Mathilda Anneke Infoshop, and the Gallery."

CrimethInc (Great Lakes)
"This website is maintained by CrimethInc. Great Lakes, which is primarily concerned with organizing and implementing direct action initiatives, as well as publishing and distributing free literature and propaganda...."

CrimethInc (International)
"Everywhere you want to be..."

CrimethInc (Prague, Czech Republic)
"ejvětším zločinem je ideozločin. Ideozločinem se myslí provinění se špatným myšlením. Už pouhá špatná myšlenka může znamenat smrt...."

CrimethInc (West Coast)
"In a society which glorifies their power and our passivity, all thought which challenges this passivity is thoughtcrime...."

"...a decentralized anarchist collective composed of autonomous cells in pursuit of a freer and more joyous world."
http://www.crimethinc.com/ ~ http://www.cwc.im/

Denver Anarchist Black Cross (Denver ABC)
"...exists to contribute to the defense of social movements, both internally and externally, working against oppression and for self determination."

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