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  • Capitalism is Opposed to Human Happiness Debate

    With PoliticalForum.com

    Discussion Two
    Posts #06-#10

    From RadicalGraphics.org
    Image: From "Breakfast Art" Gallery from RadicalGraphics.org

    Post #06

    Date: 07-17-2010, 09:10 AM
    By shhs97...

    Originally Posted by samiam5211
    It's my contention that most of the problems people attribute to capitalism actually arise because the participants in the system are flawed.

    Greed is a human flaw, and exists independent of capitalism. No economic system would be immune to the negative impact caused by greed.

    I'll agree with that...likewise, most of the flaws people like to point out in the history of socialism are also just due to greed in the participants.

    Post #07

    Date: 07-17-2010, 09:21 AM
    By samiam5211...

    Originally Posted by General Winter
    That is the difference between bourgeois and communist ideology:the first comes from the fact that people are sh*t - only the feelings of fear, hunger and sex ruled them;the second one comes from the fact that people are not bad - the sense of duty, conscience, love of neighbor can prevail in them. Bourgeois ideology is appealing to the animal instincts - communist ideology is appealing to the human to the human origin,that is the bourgeoisie draws people back to the animal - communists forward to the human.

    I can't tell if you intention was to agree or disagree with the statement you quoted...

    All I said was that a certain number of people allow greed to drive them.

    These people will always seek to exploit other people or the economic/political system for individual gain. I didn't reach this conclusion because of my "bourgeois ideology" (if that's what you were implying). The greed of which I speak is pro bally more common among the "bourgeois" .

    Post #08

    Date: 07-17-2010, 09:35 AM
    By flounder...

    Socialism, less goods eventually, less Quality of those goods. Creativeness stifled.

    Capitalism, more goods, better quality...High incentive to Create

    I don't see the problem

    Post #09

    Date: 07-17-2010, 09:43 AM
    By samiam5211...

    Originally Posted by flounder
    Socialism, less goods eventually, less Quality of those goods. Creativeness stifled.

    Capitalism, more goods, better quality...High incentive to Create

    I don't see the problem

    I agree with what you said here.

    I would add that most of the goods we produce today aren't things we need, so most of that increased production isn't as productive as it would seem.

    I don't think that either system would result in people being more or less happy than the other. The only difference, IMO, would be the factors people use to measure their happiness.

    Post #10

    Date: 07-17-2010, 10:56 AM
    By hiimjered...

    Originally Posted by shhs97
    I'll agree with that...likewise, most of the flaws people like to point out in the history of socialism are also just due to greed in the participants.

    True, but in capitalism the economy feeds off human greed. In socialism greed drags down the economy.

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